DCMI/NKOS Interest Group

Name: DCMI/NKOS Interest Group
Type: Interest Group
Status: Active
Charter: The DCMI/NKOS Interest Group has grown out of the work done over the last decade by the DCMI/NKOS Task Group. This Task Group developed a Dublin Core Application Profile for KOS resources and an NKOS Type Vocabulary based on the work the NKOS group members have already done during the previous decade. The original Task Group was moderated by Gail Hodge, Marcia Zeng and Maja Zumer.
Moderator/Chair: Joseph Busch
Marcia Zeng
Maja Žumer
Established: 2009-12-21

See the Wiki...

The term knowledge organization system (KOS) is intended to encompass all types of schemes for organizing information and promoting knowledge management. Different families of knowledge organization systems, including thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading systems, and taxonomies are widely recognized and applied in both modern and traditional information systems. Various types of KOS have been increasingly embodied as (Web) services to facilitate resource discovery and retrieval. Different agents, services, and applications need to communicate about KOS data in the form of transferring, exchange, transformation, mediation, migration, and integration. The information about a KOS, including its data model, type, protocol, status, responsible body, available format, affectivity, and other descriptive data are very important to terminology registries, service registries, vocabulary users (machine or human), and retrieval systems. At a minimum level, metadata for KOS resources will describe specific characteristics of a KOS, facilitate the discovery of KOS resources, assist in the evaluation of such resources for a particular application or use, and facilitate sharing, reusing, and collaboration of the KOS resources.

Currently there is no protocol for describing KOS resources. The DCMI/NKOS Task Group targets to develop a Dublin Core™ Application Profile for KOS resources based on the work the NKOS group* members have already done during the last decade. The application profile will be further tested by professionals and researchers.

Related to this DC Application Profile is an KOS Types vocabulary, which will include various types of KOS, defined based on characteristics such as structure and complexity, the relationships between concepts, and historical function.


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  • Task Group constituted: 2009-12-21

(*) NKOS ( https://nkos.dublincore.org/) is a community of more than 300 practitioners from more than 10 countries who are interested in the use of knowledge organization systems in networked environments. The group has been organizing workshops on KOS-related topics in the U.S. and Europe since 1998.