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DCMI is a signatory member of Data Standards United, a collaborative of data standards development organizations that seeks to foster collaboration and alignment standards to support the global education and workforce digital ecosystem.

In 2021, DCMI became one of the first organizations to become a signatory member of Data Standards United (DSU), the vision of which is to collaborate and align standards to support the global education and workforce digital ecosystem. We support and endorse the core values of DSU, namely (1) free access to data standards, (2) transparent, voluntary, consensus-based standards development, approval, and maintenance processes, and (3) public support of the Data Standards United collaborative and lifelong learning and employment standards. Through regular liason meetings and collaboration with other data standards organizations, DSU allows us to contribute our expertise in metadata to their projects, avoid needless duplication of standards, and contribute to efforts that explain and promote the range of standards available from all DSU members.

Contact person: Phil Barker.