DCMI Virtual: Presentations

Title Speakers Slides Video Date
(Meta-)Data-enabled Government John Roberts
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-07
Addressing multilingual challenges at Europeana: An update Antoine Isaac
Monica Marrero
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-13
Archives of creative practice: metadata challenges from the physical, digital and intangible Guy Baxter
Sharon Maxwell
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-14
Bibframe Implementation Fredrik Klingwall
Miklós Lendvay
Philip E. Schreur
Sally McCallum
Tiziana Possemato
fredrik_klingwall.pdf miklos_lendvay.pdf philip_e_schreur.pdf sally_mccallum.pdf tiziana_possemato.pdf Recording 2021-10-05
Cultural Metadata - For What Entities Are We Creating Metadata? Akihiro Kameda
Chiranthi Wijesundara
Songphan Choemprayong
Tetsuya Mihara
akihiro_kameda.pdf chiranthi_wijesundata.pdf songphan_choemprayong.pdf tetsuya_mihara.pdf Recording 2021-10-06
DC evolution on digital libraries: DIGIBIB Isabel Martín Tirado
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-06
DCMI Today Tom Baker
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-04
Doctoral thesis digitisation and metadata enhancement at Edinburgh University Library Alasdair MacDonald
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-15
Dublin Core at the National Library Board Singapore Linnet Ng
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-15
Entity Management Antoine Isaac
Cuijuan Xia / 夏翠娟
Kai Eckert
Karen F. Gracy
Katherine Louise Polley
antoine_isaac.pdf cuijuan_xia.pdf kai_eckert.pdf karen_f_gracy.pdf katherine_louise_polley.pdf Recording 2021-10-14
Guidelines for publishing structured metadata on the Web Mingfang Wu
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-07
How to Create a National Cross-domain Ontology and Linked Data Infrastructure and Use It on the Semantic Web Eero Hyvönen
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-04
Implementation and challenge to improve metadata workflow in National Library of Korea Yoon Kyung Choi
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-05
Institutional Repositories Metadata: approaches and challenges in University libraries in Kenya Humphrey Keah
Joseph Kiplang'at
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-14
Linked Data for the Archives: Models, Technologies and Applications Carla Teixeira Lopes
Cristina Ribeiro
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-07
Make metadata a must : the basis for knowledge services in libraries Wei Liu
Recording 2021-10-15
Metadata and Gender Diversity Amber Billie
Clair A Kronk
John Samuel
Rachel Ivy Clarke
Sayward Schoonmaker
amber_billiey.pdf clair_a_kronk.pdf john_samuel.pdf rachel_ivy_clarke.pdf Recording 2021-10-08
Metadata and Privacy David Haynes
Harshvardhan J. Pandit
Marlene McRae
david_haynes.pdf harshvardhan_j_pandit.pdf marlene_mcrae.pdf Recording 2021-10-04
Metadata culture: Sharing the Visual Heritage Karin Hansson
Recording 2021-10-14
Metadata Requirement Development For Mural Painting Suwannee Hoaihongthong
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-05
Metadata uses in web archiving initiatives in Malaysia Farrah Diana Saiful Bahry
Muhammad Idzwan bin Ramli
Noraizan Amran
Recording 2021-10-05
MetaWikiData: Incorporating Wikidata into cataloging workflows Ahava Cohen
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-07
National Bibliographic Knowledgebase and Plan M Neil Grindley
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-13
National Library of Portugal digital collections, access services, open data and content reuse policies Helena Patrício
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-15
Ontology Design for Supporting Digital Humanities on Historical Personages: The Taiwan Biographical Database (TBDB) Case Hao-Ren Ke
Shun-Hong Sie
Su-Bing Chang
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-07
Problem-Solved: Metadata Explorations vs. Metadata Education Joseph T. Tennis
Recording 2021-10-15
Promoting accessibility of scientific information and digital data in food & agriculture Imma Subirats Coll
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-06
Publishing Linked Data Description: an Introduction to Omeka S Sharon Leon
Robin Fay
Recording 2021-10-12
Putting standards into practice: pathogen genomics contextual data (“metadata”) standards in public health and food safety Emma Griffiths
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-07
REDI+ : Toward an Ecuadorian Research Information Platform based in CRIS Freddy Sumba
Recording 2021-10-15
Schema.org and Dublin Core: The Next Chapter Dan Brickley
Sensors are Everywhere John Antil
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-06
Session for the DCMI members to share their major accomplishments since the last conference Alasdair MacDonald
Support of metadata mapping with coli-conc infrastructure Uma Balakrishnan
Jakob Voß
Stefan Peters
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-15
Teaching and Learning Metadata Kyong Eun Oh
The Data Conversion Group (DCG) - a brief insight Stefanie Rühle
The Dublin Core Scholarly Resources Application Profile (SRAP) Juha Hakala
Osma Suominen
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-15
The National Library of Korea's activities and challenges for library metadata standardization in Korea Yoon Kyung Choi
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-15
The role of Dublin Core in the publication of Open Geospatial Data Javier Nogueras Iso
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-14
The Semantic Architecture Based on Cloud Native Implementation: the design of Digital Humanities Platform at Shanghai Library Cuijuan Xia / 夏翠娟
Wei Liu
Recording 2021-10-14
The use of Dublin Core in the Brazilian Scientific Information Ecosystem Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo
slides.pdf Recording 2021-10-06
Transforming publisher-supplied metadata to improve digital legal deposit workflows at Library and Archives Canada Arlene Whetter
Recording 2021-10-15
Welcome from the Chair of DCMI Governing Board Stefanie Rühle
Welcome from the DCMI Executive Director Sam Oh
Why AI ≠ Automated Indexing: What Is and Is Not Possible Hans Brandhorst
Joaquim More Lopez
Margie Hlava
Maria-Cristina Marinescu
Mingfang Wu
Osma Suominen
hans_brandhorst.pdf joaquim_more_lopez.pdf margie_hlava.pdf mingfang_wu.pdf osma_suominen.pdf Recording 2021-10-13