Tutorial: Publishing Linked Data Description: an Introduction to Omeka S

Title: Publishing Linked Data Description: an Introduction to Omeka S
Moderated by: Kai Eckert
Date: 2021-10-12 14:00
Recording: Watch on YouTube


	Sharon Leon
Sharon Leon

Sharon Leon is the Director of Omeka (2012-), and Associate Professor of History and Digital Humanities at Michigan State University. She has responsibility for overall project vision, oversight of development, interaction with our project partners, testing, and distribution of Omeka.

	Robin Fay
Robin Fay

Robin Fay is the Omeka End User Support and Training Specialist


Designed specifically to offer users an easy way to create linked data description for their materials, Omeka S offers both the familiarity of a content management system and the capacity for users to create new kinds of linked-data driven digital publications.

This tutorial will introduce the Omeka S platform.

Users may be familiar with Omeka Classic, which includes a fixed Dublin Core metadata schema, as a way to develop rich collections-based digital exhibits. First released in 2015, Omeka S is the next generation of the Omeka family of web publishing platforms. Capitalizing on its linked data infrastructure, a whole range of more abstract entities such as people, places, events, and concepts can be described. Omeka S includes Dublin Core out of the box, but users can import multiple vocabularies, allowing resources to be described with a variety of metadata schemas. As a result of this flexible infrastructure, Omeka S represents a viable platform for creating, publishing and analyzing research data as part of the larger semantic web.