DCMI 2022: Call for Participation

For more than two decades, the Dublin Core community has
been a fertile ground for researchers, educators,
practitioners and developers to exchange and share ideas,
knowledge, experience, and innovative projects on
metadata for more than two decades.

In 2022, the twentieth International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DCMI 2022) conference is expanding its scope to the
whole spectrum of innovation in metadata design,
implementation and best practices, with a special focus
on challenges and opportunities in a diverse and
data-intensive world.

Two years into the pandemic, rising needs for information
justice and equity are pushing the metadata community to
reexamine and address biases and prejudices in metadata
tools and practices in order to make information more
accessible to diverse communities.

Today's data-intensive, data-dependent, and data-driven
environment requires metadata that is intelligent,
interoperable, sharable, and reusable.

Metadata has never been more crucial than today. Trending
fields such as Linked Open Data, research data,
artificial intelligence, machine learning, digital
humanities and open science depend on high-quality

The parallel growth of data and metadata challenges the
metadata community to rethink its research and practices
in order to stay ahead of emerging trends.

The Dublin Core conference is a venue for discussing
"innovative practice" - new solutions to practical
problems. It draws participants from universities,
research institutions and LAMs (libraries, archives,
museums), but also from corporations and government

The organizers of DCMI 2022 seeks inspirational submissions
on innovative tools, practices or solutions while
addressing theoretical, analytical, and empirical aspects
of metadata.

Submissions in form of papers, reports, posters, panels,
tutorials, workshops and demonstrations are welcome in
the following broad categories of metadata design,
deployment and best practices:

  • Metadata principles, guidelines, and best practices
  • Curation, governance, and sustainability
  • Conceptual models and frameworks
  • Entity management
  • Lessons from implementation
  • Interoperability and harmonization
  • Metadata quality and validation
  • Metadata and diversity, equity, inclusion, and
    accessibility (DEIA)
  • Metadata for research data
  • Metadata analytics, AI, and knowledge graph
  • Metadata in digital humanities.

DCMI 2022 and the pandemic

After two years of pandemic conditions and two all-virtual conferences, many of us look forward to meeting again in person, so we are exploring options for a face-to-face meeting in early October, possibly in North America. The feasibility of doing so may remain unclear for many more months.

We are therefore planning that the event will, by default, again be held virtually. If it becomes possible to hold a face-to-face meeting, attendees and presenters will have the option to attend either in person or online.

Accepted papers and posters will be available to all registered participants by the start of the conference. Presentations and other conference events, such as panels, best practices, invited talks, tutorials, and the student forum will be accessible on the Web, both live and as recordings, to all registered participants both during and after the conference. Several months after the conference, these materials will be made available to the general public on the DCMI YouTube channel and dublincore.org website.

Submission Guidelines

  • At least one author of an accepted submission must be
    available to present the work, at a minimum online and
    possibly, as an option, in person.
  • Submissions must follow the guidelines for one of the
    categories enumerated below.
  • All submissions must be in English.
  • All submissions must be made via the Submission System,
  • Submissions must be made using Open Office, Microsoft Word, or LaTeX.
  • Submissions must be a single Portable Document Format (PDF) along with the document's source.
  • The source file should be Open Office (.odf) Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), or for LaTeX files in a single compressed zip file (.zip).
  • Templates for Microsoft Word and LaTeX are available.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Page size: ISO A4 (8.27 in x 11.69 in / 21 cm x 29.69 cm)
  • Top and bottom margins: 1.18 in / 3 cm
  • Left margin: 1.14 in / 2.9 cm
  • Right margin: 1.13 in / 2.87 cm
  • Header from top: .5 in /1.27 cm


Submission categories

Peer-reviewed papers

Peer-reviewed papers will be published online in the
conference proceedings and will be available before the
start of the conference. The papers are indexed by DBLP
and Google Scholar.

Full papers

Full papers either describe innovative work in detail or
provide critical, well-referenced overviews of key
developments or good practices.

  • Session time allotted: 20 minutes (typically 15 minutes
    presentation with 5 minutes for questions)
  • Paper and presentation slides will be included in online
  • 8-10 pages

Short papers

Short papers are narrower in scope than full papers and
may be either a description of work in progress, or a
project report that concisely describes a specific model,
application, or activity.

  • Session time allotted: 15 minutes (typically 10 minutes
    presentation with 5 minutes for questions)
  • Paper & presentation slides included in online
  • 4-5 pages

Other submission categories


Posters are for the presentation of projects, research
under development or late-breaking results.

  • Abstract and poster slide image will be included in the
    online Proceedings
  • 2-3 page abstract


Panel sessions are organized by experts in a specific
area of metadata. Each panel serves as a focused exchange
regarding the latest research and/or best practice in the

  • Session time allotted: 90 minutes
  • 1-2 page abstract with panelist bios of 100-150 words
  • Abstracts and bios will be included in the online


Tutorials introduce specific topics of current interest
in metadata practice, optionally including hands-on
practice. Proposals for tutorials must include:

  • Title of tutorial and topic to be covered (2-3
  • Target audience: beginners, intermediate users, or
  • Tutorial style: lecture, demonstration, hands-on
    practice, software installation...
  • Any prior knowledge required (eg, RDF, programming
  • Whether participants must (or should) bring laptops or
    install software beforehand
  • Length of tutorial: 1 - 1.5 hours
  • Presenter bios (100-150 words each)

Student Forum

The DCMI Student Forum aims at providing an opportunity
to masters' and doctoral students to share their
experiences and exchange ideas of best practices,
research in progress, and findings in areas related to
metadata innovation.

Submission Deadlines

  • Papers (long and short): May 9th June 6th
  • Posters, Panels, Student forum: May 31st June 6th
  • Tutorials: by invitation
  • Best Practices: by invitation
  • Invited Talks: by invitation
  • Keynotes: by invitation

Important Dates for Papers

  • Notification to authors: July 15th
  • Final copy due: August 5th