DCMI Community updates (Open Session)

Starts at
05 Oct 22 20:00 UTC
Finishes at
05 Oct 22 21:30 UTC
Virtual Conference Room A
Alasdair MacDonald


  • Alasdair MacDonald

    University of Edinburgh

    Alasdair MacDonald is the Metadata and University Collections Facility Manager at Edinburgh University Library, where he has worked since 2014. The work of the Metadata Team is mainly focussed on the RDA and MARC21 standards, with recent initiatives including the production of metadata for the University's digitised thesis collections and addressing heritage collections backlogs. Alasdair's previous role was Head of Bibliographic Maintenance and Authority Control at the Bodleian Libraries and he has a long-standing interest in author identification and its implementation across different platforms and metadata standards. Alasdair is the vice Chair of the CILIP Metadata and Discovery Group Scotland committee and the current Chair of the DCMI Governing Board.


Scholarly Resources Application Profile

Scholarly Resources Application Profile (SRAP) will enable description of scholarly resources, such as doctoral dissertations, Master’s thesis and scientific articles in different stages of the publication process (preprint, postprint etc.) by Dublin Core Metadata Terms. Following a proposal made by the National Library of Finland, DCMI Governing Board established SRAP working group in 2021.

The presentation describes the current status of the SRAP development process; new metadata terms that the working group has already discussed, examples of further extensions that have not been processed yet, and the role DCMI Usage Board will have in the approval process.

More information about the profile is available at https://github.com/dcmi/dc-srap.

  • Juha Hakala

    The National Library of Finland

    Juha Hakala is a senior adviser at the National Library of Finland. He has co-ordinated the standards related work in the library for more than 20 years. His involvement with DCMI began in the 2nd Dublin Core conference in Warwick back in 1996. Juha and his colleague Osma Suominen are the two co-chairs of the DCMI SRAP WG.

From Machine Readable to Machine Reasoning - Information Transmutation at the National Library of Sweden

At the National Library of Sweden Linked Open Data is an integral part of our metadata strategy, striving for openness and interconnectedness. This presentation includes an introduction and overview of the development of our Linked Data infrastructure. Beginning with the transformation of Libris, the Swedish union catalogue, into a native RDF-system based on the BIBFRAME 2 vocabulary. Further exemplifying how we extend and adapt our own application vocabulary to connect internal and external systems and platforms. The vast amount of material in our collections has also made the emergence of KBLab a reality. Working in the forefront of advances in AI and NLP, we have been able to contribute to extended understanding of Swedish text and audio based material in a Machine Learning context. Rounding off with some possibilities and challenges we see in the future for our metadata development and automation.

  • Fredrik Klingwall

    National Library of Sweden

    Developer at National Library of Sweden with a focus on ontologies and information modeling. Part of DCMI Governing board.

New bibliographic data standards at National Library of Korea

National Library of Korea(NLK) is currently preparing the transition to new bibliographic description standards. This presentation will introduce NLK's action plan for Korean National Bibliography 2030. Then, activities that NLK is in progress will be covered.

  • Hyejin Kim

    National Library of Korea

    Hyejin Kim is a librarian at the National Library of Korea. She has been responsible for bibliographic standards related work at the Metadata and Sustainable Access Division since 2021. She is working on an update for KORMARC (Korean MARC) to align with latest MARC 21. Currently, she is interested in the transition from MARC to linked data based bibliographic framework.

Report from the DCMI Education Committee

The DCMI Education Committee, with 24 members from countries and regions span the globe, coordinates activities and resources that can be used to teach and inform users about current developments and technologies for metadata. This report will give a summary of the main activities and the products from the task groups of the Education Committee.

  • Marcia Zeng

    Kent State University (USA)

    Marcia Lei Zeng is a Professor of Information Science at Kent State University (USA). Her primary research interests include knowledge organization systems, linked data, metadata, smart data and big data, semantic technologies, and digital humanities. She has authored over 100 research papers and six books. Her research projects have received funding from the NSF, IMLS, OCLC, Fulbright, and other organizations. She has chaired and served on committees, working groups, and executive boards including IFLA, SLA, ASIS&T, NISO, ISO, DCMI, ISKO, and W3C. Currently, she is serving as a member of the DCMI Governing Board and ISKO Board of Directors.

Core Cultural Metadata Model intreest group

Core Cultural Metadata Model (CCMM) interest group is a forum to discuss metadata models for various new type of cultural entities, e.g., intangible cultural heritage, new media arts, events, performances, and so forth. This talk will introduce CCMM-ig and bring some topics from CCMM sessions of DCMI 2022.

  • Shigeo Sugimoto

    University of Tsukuba

    Shigeo Sugimoto is a professor emeritus at Univetrsity of Tsukuba.
    He has been involved in DCMI since late 1990s. He is currently a member of the Governing Board of DCMI.
    His interests include metadata models for cultural and historical entities such as intangible cultural heritage, media arts and natural and man-made disasters. He is invovelved in the Core Cultural Metadata Model interest group of DCMI.

Future directions of the Usage Board

The Usage Board undertook an extensive review of DCMI Metadata Terms for the publication of ISO 15836 Part 2 and is currently collaborating with the working group preparing a Scholarly Resources Application Profile (SRAP) for publication as a "DCMI-endorsed" profile. The board now needs to set priorities among other potential work areas, such as mappings to other namespaces (eg, Schema.org) and redesigned documentation (eg, to highlight the terms most frequently used in practice). The board must balance caution and stability against innovation and growth, both for its existing namespaces and for potential new namespaces under development in DCMI working groups.

  • Tom Baker


    Tom Baker, DCMI Technology Director and Usage Board chair, has worked on metadata and Semantic Web since the 1990s. He helped publish SKOS in the 2000s and currently contributes to Shape Expressions language (ShEx). Tom consults on projects, most recently about data in agriculture. He has worked as a researcher in Italy and Germany, notably at Fraunhofer Society and Goettingen State Library. Tom has an MLS from Rutgers University, an MA and PhD from Stanford University, and has taught at Asian Institute of Technology (Bangkok) and Sungkyunkwan University (Seoul).