Panel: BIBFRAME Implementation Experiences

Starts at
04 Oct 22 15:30 UTC
Finishes at
04 Oct 22 17:00 UTC
Virtual Conference Room B
Marie-Claude Côté

The Library of Congress, the National Library of Sweden and the Share-VDE library-driven initiative will report about their developments and experiences for bringing BIBFRAME into practice in library environments and in connected linked data management systems and entity discoveries.

The involved topics will encompass the BIBFRAME data model and its applications, including processes and tools for original cataloguing in linked data.

Other broader aspects of linked data management will be discussed in connection with the use of the provenance, for example: tracking changes in different versions on triple level by comparison algorithms; its role in retaining the relationships between Instance entities and the original data that contributed to their creation; its ability to control how the various services of the entity-based systems consume the data; the customization of linked data discoveries in dedicated skin portals based on the provenance of the data.

Related to that, the impact on the data exchange processes and on the interoperability among libraries and with linked data management systems will be considered in the discussion, along with the applications for entity editing and new generation authority control in cooperative environments. The ability to operate on clusters of linked data entities and push edits to the connected discovery portal not only will serve the change management, but will also enable an innovative method for data quality and authority checks from a controlled source.


  • Marie-Claude Côté

    Library and Archives Canada

    Marie-Claude Côté is an expert advisor in information management (IM) and project management (PM) at Library and Archives Canada (LAC). In her new role, she keeps advising Government of Canada (GC) departments and agencies on (IM) practices, while developing LAC's PM capacity. Marie-Claude has held IM- and metadata-related management and analyst positions at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Canadian International Development Agency, and Industry Canada. After obtaining her Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science (MLIS), she worked in municipal and private sector libraries before joining the federal public service. For the last 25 years, she has contributed to the development of the IM domain in the GC. Marie-Claude has also taught the courses of the IM Curriculum at the Canada School of Public Service. She is a certified project management professional (PMP), and is extending her knowledge and experience in this field.


Panel: BIBFRAME Implementation Experiences

The Library of Congress, the National Library of Sweden and the Share-VDE library-driven initiative will report about their developments and experiences for bringing BIBFRAME into practice in library environments and in connected linked data management systems and entity discoveries.
The involved topics will encompass the BIBFRAME data model and its applications, including processes and tools for original cataloguing in linked data.
Other broader aspects of linked data management will be discussed in connection with the use of the provenance, for example: tracking changes in different versions on triple level by comparison algorithms; its role in retaining the relationships between Instance entities and the original data that contributed to their creation; its ability to control how the various services of the entity-based systems consume the data; the customization of linked data discoveries in dedicated skin portals based on the provenance of the data.
Related to that, the impact on the data exchange processes and on the interoperability among libraries and with linked data management systems will be considered in the discussion, along with the applications for entity editing and new generation authority control in cooperative environments. The ability to operate on clusters of linked data entities and push edits to the connected discovery portal not only will serve the change management, but will also enable an innovative method for data quality and authority checks from a controlled source.

  • Niklas Lindström

    National Library of Sweden

    Niklas has a background as a consultant in web and data technologies, was part of the W3C RDFa 1.1 working group and a co-author of JSON-LD 1.0. He now works as a systems developer at the National Library of Sweden, focusing on linked data structures, semantics, protocols and interoperability.

  • Tiziana Possemato

    @Cult and Casalini Libri

    Tiziana Possemato holds a degree in Philosophy (La Sapienza University) , diplomas in Archival Science and Library Sciences (Vatican Schools) and a Masters degree in Archivistics, Librarianship and Codicology (University of Florence). She is currently Doctoral researcher in Library Sciences at the University of Florence.
    Tiziana has led numerous projects for library automation, analysis, mapping and conversion of catalogue data, and the design of information retrieval systems, with a specific interest in Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web.
    She is the Chief Information Officer of Casalini Libri, and partner and director of @Cult.

  • Sally McCallum

    Library of Congress, USA

    Sally McCallum is Chief of the Network Development and MARC Standards Office at the Library of Congress. Her Office maintains the MARC formats, has spearheaded the development of the Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME), and is also engaged in XML and RDF representations of other widely used bibliographic standards. The Library of Congress Linked data service ( and pilot projects using the BIBFRAME ontology are primary ongoing projects in her Office.