Invited Talk : Updating a Core Metadata Standard

Starts at
Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 11:00 EDT
Finishes at
Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 12:00 EDT
Room A
Alasdair MacDonald

Updating a core metadata standard - ISO 25964 "Information and documentation — Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies, Part 1:Thesauri for information retrieval; creation, management and use”

Subject metadata is a core tenet of the Dublin Core. The concept terms are added to documents support search, navigation and discovery. The ISO 25964 "Information and documentation — Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies, Part 1:Thesauri for information retrieval; creation, management and use” is in the revision stage. All ISO standards require a review, reaffirmation or retiring every five years. In the case of the ISO 25964 it is being revised. There has been considerable outreach to gather an international panel of experts in the field and expand the examples to character sets beyond the Latin alphabet. In addition, GUID guidance has been added and the models updated. This presentation outlines the changes to the standard and the rational behind them. It also includes a personal guide to the adventures of getting an idea to a standard stage ranging from the Dublin Core itself through the revisions process
  • Marjorie MK Hlava

    Access Innovations / Data Harmony

    Founder, Chairman, President of Access Innovations which creates and maintains the Data Harmony semantic software suite for taxonomy, thesaurus and authority file applications and auto indexing.

    Margie Hlava is a highly respected expert in taxonomies, metadata, and data science, with a proven track record of innovation in databases and search. Her groundbreaking work has earned her numerous awards, includingASIS&T’s Watson Davis award, the SLA John Cotton Dana; and SLA President’s Award, and recognition as an SLA Fellow. She has also been honored as an Albuquerque Business First Woman of Influence for Technology and received Miles Conrad lectureship for NFAIS. Margie is actively involved in standards development, having contributed to several key initiatives such as Dublin Core, Credit Z39.104ThesaurusANSI/NISO Z39.19ISO 25964. She was elected to the Hubbell Hall of Fame in 2019. Most recent standards work is as the convenor and chair of the ISO TC46/ SC9/Working group 8 for the the revision of the "ISO/CD 25964-1, Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies - Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval, management and use" which is now in the comment voting process. If you have questions about taxonomies, ontologies, or AI semantic guidance and implementation within search, web navigation or other projects - ask Margie


  • Alasdair MacDonald

    University of Edinburgh

    Alasdair MacDonald is the Metadata and University Collections Facility Manager at Edinburgh University Library, where he has worked since 2014. He is the manger of the Metadata Team, which provides a centralised bibliographic cataloguing service to all Library sites, and also manages the Library's offsite collections store. Alasdair is the current Chair of the DCMI Governing Board and Vice Chair of the CILIP Metadata and Discovery Group Scotland Committee. He has previously held posts at the Bodleian Library and National Library of Scotland.