DCMI Collection Description Community

DC2007 DCMI Collection Description Community Workshop Report

Chair: Ann Apps, DCMI Collection Description Community Moderator
[Mimas, The University of Manchester]


When: Tuesday 28 August 2007, 15:00 - 16:30

  • Overview of collection description and background to the DCMI Collection Description Community. Ann Apps
  • The Dublin Core™ Collections Application Profile (DCCAP). Ann Apps
  • Further work of the DCMI Collection Description Application Profile Task Group. Muriel Folonneau, CCSD, CNRS, France
  • Current status of the NISO Metasearch Initiative Collection Description Specification
    (Z39.91-2000x) and how it correlates to the DCCAP. Juha Hakala, National Library of Finland
  • Case studies of collection description applications, including those that are based on DCCAP


Ann Apps explained the purpose of the DCMI Collection Description Community, and gave an overview of the history of the development of the DCMI Collections Application Profile (DCCAP) by the previous DCMI Collection Description Working Group. This included an overview of the domain model, the purpose of collection description, the RSLP Collection Description schema from which DCCAP was derived, and the current version of the DCCAP, which was endorsed as 'conformant' by the DCMI Usage Board in March 2007.

Muriel Folonneau, who is a co-chair of the DCMI Collection Description Application Profile Task Group, detailed the planned work of this group over the next year. Some of this work will be undertaken by herself and Sarah Shreeves, the other co-chair, and some by the Task Group.

  • Correct (small) inconsistencies in the DCCAP. Sarah and Muriel. October 2007

  • Consider comments in the Usage Board Review. Task Group. October 2007

    • Is the dumb-down of cld:isLocatedAt to dc:relation sensible?
    • Make the distinction less confusing between physical and digital locations. Especially address the identification of location for mixed digital / physical collections.
    • Some of the wording seems to use 'metadata record' in the 'library world' sense rather than the wider Dublin Core™ Abstract Model meaning.
  • Complete alignment of DCCAP with the NISO Metasearch Initiative Collection Description Specification. Sarah, Muriel and Juha Hakala. October 2007

  • Assess and align the current DCCAP with the current version of the Dublin Core™ Abstract Model. Task Group. By April 2008

  • Alignment of DCCAP with new Application Profile requirements, which includes a Description Set Profile, and a separation out of the Functional Requirements and the Domain Model. Task Group. February/March 2008 - DC2008

Juha Hakala gave an update on the NISO Metasearch Initiative Collection Description Specification. He suggested investigating making the two specifications identical. This would involve doing all the work in the DCMI Collection Description community, then passing the result to NISO to fast track. The main difference between the two specifications is the 'completeness' property, which is in the NISO specification but not the DCCAP. This proposal will be discussed by the DCMI Collection Description Application Profile Task Group.

There were a couple of presentations of applications based on collection description.

  • The European Library and Collection Descriptions. Robina Clayphan, The British Library.
  • Virtual Collections for researchers: The HAL archive and The Digital Repositories Infrastructure Vision for European Research. Muriel Folonneau, CCSD, CNRS, France.
  • Also the paper, which was presented by Ann Apps on the Wednesday morning of the conference, about the JISC Information Environment Service Registry is another example of an application of collection description.