DCMI Date Community
DCMI Date WG workplan 2004/2005:
- Respond to a DCMI Usage Board proposal to change the wording of the Comment for the Dublin Core™ Date element to explicitly acknowledge ranges.
- Consider potential additional schemes for DC Date and/or DC Coverage:
- ISO 8601 [DC-Lib] (Note: DCMI Date WG will respond to a proposal before the DCMI Usage Board)
- Any additional schemes that arise from other work items
- Consider potential additional refinements for DC Date:
- Date captured [DC-Lib]
- Investigate options to provide for the interoperable representation of commonly-recorded dates which cannot be satisfactorily represented using ISO 8601 Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange -Representation of dates and times, including the following categories of dates:
- B.C.E. dates [DC-Lib; DC CLD WG]
- Questionable dates [DC-Lib]
- Approximate dates [DC-Lib]
- Open-ended date ranges [DC CLD WG]
- Non-Gregorian dates
- Large dates (e.g., geologic periods, astronomical time)
- Soft termini (i.e. the outer bounds for one or more termini is known or can be associated with a known period, but one or both of the exact boundaries of the event referenced are not known)
- Elapsed time less than date range interval (i.e. the duration is less than the complete interval between two termini, as in an intermittent activity)
- DC-LIB: DC-Library Application Profile (DC-Lib)
- DC CLD WG: DCMI Collection Description Working Group