Haliza Jailani is Senior Deputy Director/Senior Principal Librarian, Resource Discovery and Management at the National Library Board Singapore. She directs a team of information professionals responsible for the bibliographic functions of NLB including cataloguing, metadata and ontology management, linked data and knowledge organisation systems. In the early days of metadata harmonisation, Haliza created crosswalks based on Dublin Core metadata to enable integration of metadata from libraries, archives and museums that formed the bedrock for OneSearch, Singapore’s cultural heritage search platform and the ASEAN Digital Library, an online resource on ASEAN heritage content. She is currently overseeing NLB’s Linked Data Management System based on BIBFRAME and Schema.org. Haliza serves in the International Federation of Library Association’s (IFLA) Bibliography Section, working in subgroups such as raising awareness on national bibliographies and new technologies. She also serves on a panel of international judges in the Digital Preservation Coalition’s Digital Preservation Awards and is an RDA (Resource Description and Access) Board member, a standard that provides instructions and guidelines on formulating bibliographic data in the library world.