DCMI Standards Community

Name: DCMI Standards Community
Type: Community Interest Group
Status: Finished
Charter: The DCMI Standards Community is forum for individuals involved in various standardization efforts to keep in touch with each other and to monitor the development of the Dublin Core as national and international standard. The mailing list of the community also acts as information channel for issues related to the function of DCMI as Maintenance Agency for ISO 15836 and ANSI/NISO Z39.85.
Moderator/Chair: Leif Andresen
Established: 1998-11-04


International standard ISO 15836

DCMI has responsibility for information about:

ISO 15836:2009 Information and documentation - The Dublin Core™ metadata element set

The responsible committee is TC 46 - Information and Documentation SC 4 - Technical Interoperability.

The ISO standard has been revised based on the 2007 revision of ANSI/NISO Z39.85 (see below).
One formal change is that the standard does not now have a Maintenance Agency (see
Official information about ISO 15836).

ISO 15836:2009 was published on 18 February 2009 as a revision of ISO 15836:2003.

Leif Andresen is the DCMI representative to the ISO/TC46/SC4.

US national standard Z39.85

DCMI is Maintenance Agency for:

ANSI/NISO Z39.85-2007 Dublin Core™ Metadata Element Set.

Leif Andresen is the DCMI representative to the NISO.


In August 2007, a new IETF RFC, RFC5013: The Dublin Core™ Metadata Element Set was published to replace IETF RFC2413: Dublin Core™ Metadata for Resource Discovery of September 1998.

John Kunze is the DCMI representative to the IETF Secretariat.


Mailing list

To join or leave:



  • MMI-DC - CEN/ISSS Workshop on Metadata for Multimedia Information - Dublin Core

  • MMI-DC has produced several specifications, which you can download from MMI-DC website. MMI-DC stopped its activities in beginning of 2005. CWA is a CEN Workshop Agreement:

    • CWA14855 - Dublin Core™ Application Profile guidelines
    • CWA15244 - General guidance for the deployment of Dublin Core™ metadata
    • CWA15248 - Guidelines for machine-processable representation of Dublin Core™ Application Profiles
    • CWA15249 - Guidance for naming, versioning, evolution and maintenance of element declarations and Application Profiles
  • MMI-DC: Special session at DC-2005: Metadata in eGovernment, Geospatial and Environmental Domains