DCMI Standards Community

Update August 2006

Since the responsibility for Maintenance Agency activities was turned over
to the Directorate after DC-2005, the only task on the 2006 work plan was to
work on guidelines for national standardization. A call was sent out for contributions
from people with experience, but only a single contribution from one country
was received and more are needed. Some follow-up activities didn't give more
contributions. The Working Group chair considers other options.
Update of standard activities:

  • We have agreed with NISO about the 5 year review of “ANSI/NISO Z39.85
  • Dublin Core™ Metadata Element Set – 2001”. DCMI will deliver
    a proposal for a revised standard for a ballot process in NISO in December
  1. This revised text of DCMES is under preparation in DCMI Usage Board
    and is planned to be send for review in the community before DC-2006 so it
    can be completed at the UB meeting in connection with DC-2006. I will send
    a message to the list when the UB proposal is ready.
  • The ISO standard - ISO 15836:2003 Information and documentation - The Dublin
    Core metadata element set - have to go for 5 year review not later than 2008 – and
    the plan and agreement with the (now former) secretariat for ISO TC46/SC4
    was to run this review bases on the result of the NISO review.
  • The European metadata workshop MMI-DC under CEN’s auspices has had
    no activities this year.