News from 2000
The Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI), in conjunction with the National Library of Canada, the IFLA UDT program and OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
The Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI), in conjunction with the National Library of Canada, the IFLA UDT program and OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
A translation by Anne-Marie Vercoustre, an RDF definition of the Dublin Core™ Element Set, v. 1.1 is also included.
The website for the Francois Rabelais University is indexed with Dublin Core™ metadata.
The DC-Usage committee has complete balloting of the initial round of proposed Dublin Core™ Interoperability Qualifiers. These qualifiers are intended to promote interoperability among applications that use element refinements and encoding schemes to increase the semantic precision of metadata.
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) Schema specification has received editorial revisions and is today published as a W3C Candidate Recommendation. This specification describes how to use RDF to describe RDF vocabularies.
The following questions have been added to the FAQ: What is "Simple Dublin Core™"?; What is "Qualified Dublin Core™"?; What is the Warwick Framework?
As part of a bilingual site for New Zealand educators, users will be able to search either in English or Maori or both.
AVEL is a gateway to quality Australasian engineering and information technology resources.
This two day workshop focuses on information access and management issues in museums and cultural heritage organizations through the use of the CIMI recommendations for the Dublin Core™ metadata standard.