MIReG Metadata Framework - Element Set Draft Available for Comments
After the MIReG conference in Brussels, Belgium (see http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/ida) it was decided to set up an Advisory Board and develop a "EU Government Metadata Framework". Since the conference the Advisory Board, especially the UK Office of the e-Envoy, has worked on producing a draft of extensions or additions to Dublin Core™ Elements.
This start draft of additions is based on the draft UK e-Government Metadata Standard, which in turn includes input from Australian AGLS and work from the UK Records Office.
The Advisory Board for the "EU Government Metadata Framework" is very interested in your views on these draft extensions to Dublin Core™. Are they the right elements? Are other elements needed for dealing with resource discovery and government information?
You have approximately 1 week from 2001-08-28 to comment on this first draft. Please direct your comments to the DC Government WG list.
After gathering comments, the Advisory Board will prepare the final proposal and submit it to the DCMI Usage Board.
MIReG Additions - DCMI Government Proposal
Andrew Wilson, Chair, DCMI Government Working Group
Palle Aagaard, Chair, DCMI Government Working Group