Public Comment on DCMI Proposed Recommendation for Expressing Dublin Core™ Description Sets using XML
"Expressing Dublin Core™ description sets using XML (DC-DS-XML)" by Pete Johnston and Andy Powell has been published as a DCMI Proposed Recommendation for public comment from 1 to 29 September 2008. A related document, "Notes on the DC-DS-XML XML Format", describes the development of the format and its relationship to the DCMI Recommendation "Guidelines for implementing Dublin Core™ in XML" of April 2003. The Proposed Recommendation supports the W3C specification Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL) in the form of an XSLT transform for extracting RDF triples from instances of metadata in the DC-DS-XML format. The specification includes 21 examples together with their equivalent representations in the DC-Text and RDF/XML syntaxes. A W3C XML Schema for the DC-DS-XML format is provided. Interested members of the public are invited to post comments to the DC-ARCHITECTURE mailing list, including [Public Comment] in the subject line.