News from 2011
OCLC, Elsevier, DANS and the Information School at the University of Washington in Seattle have joined DCMI and the National Library of the Netherlands in bringing you DC-2011 at The Hague.
Drs. J.S.M. (Bas) Savenije will open the DC-2011 conference at The Hague. Drs. Savenije has served as General Director of the National Library of The Netherlands since 1 June 2009.
The end of early registration for DC-2011 at The Hague is rapidly approaching. Don't miss the conference or the opportunity to save on the registration fee during the Early Registration period (end 21 August).
The Final DC-2011 Program has been announced. DC-2011 at the National Library of the Netherlands at The Hague promises to be an exciting forum for the exchange of innovative work in metadata research and best practices including tutorials, keynote speeches by Mikael Nilsson and Emmanuelle Berms, a program of peer reviewed papers, project reports and posters, and DCMI Workshop and special sessions.
A NISO/DCMI Webinar, International Bibliographic Standards, Linked Data, and the Impact on Library Cataloging will be held online at 13:00 Eastern Time on 24 August 2011.
The online registration for DC-2011 opened on 5 July 2011. The conference itself will take place on 22 and 23 September, while on Wednesday 21 September, you have a choice between Tutorials about Dublin Core™ and metadata best practices, Linked Data and SKOS; and a Workshop on Vocabulary Maintenance and Alignment.
Following an open recruitment call in March 2011, DCMI has completed the process of appointing new Executive Officers. The new Executive Officers are: Stuart Sutton as Chief Executive Officer; Raju Buddharaju as Financial and Administrative Officer; Tom Baker as Information/Communications Officer and Research and Development Officer; and Diane Hillmann as Vocabulary Maintenance Officer.
The online registration for DC-2011 is about to open. Early-bird discount is available until 21 August 2011. Please note that capacity is limited to 187 participants.
DCMI is very pleased to announce that Infocom Corporation of Japan has renewed its Platinum Partnership status until 30 June 2012.
The organizing committee of DC-2011 has published the preliminary program of the event. On Wednesday 21 September there will be a full day of Tutorials alongside a special session on Vocabulary Management and Alignment.