News from 2011
Earlier this month, Mikael Nilsson has stepped down as co-chair of the DCMI Architecture Forum. We are fortunate to have found an excellent replacement for Mikael in the person of Corey Harper of New York University Libraries.
A newly consolidated User Documentation Task Group is revising DCMI's Glossary, Frequently Asked Questions, and User Guide. Editorial work is being undertaken in DCMI's new MediaWiki.
The National Library of the Netherlands and the DC-2011 Conference Committee are pleased to offer a limited number of sponsors the opportunity to present themselves directly to the conference participants at DC-2011, to be hosted by the National Library of the Netherlands, 21-23 September in The Hague, the Netherlands, and to a global audience beyond the conference venue.
DCMI is pleased to announce that the National Library Board Singapore has renewed its DCMI Membership for a third three-year term until 2014.
DCMI and the FOAF Project have announced a cooperation agreement outlining measures aimed at reinforcing the long-term viability of the FOAF Vocabulary.
The Call for Papers and other contributions for DC-2011, to be hosted by the National Library of the Netherlands, 21-23 September in The Hague, the Netherlands, is now closed.
Like last year, DCMI is a co-sponsor for Balisage, the annual conference devoted to the theory and practice of descriptive markup and related technologies for structuring and managing information, to be held in Montral, Canada, 1-5 August 2011.
The program committee of DC-2011, to be held 21-23 September 2011 in The Hague, has decided to extend the deadline for submission of papers, posters and workshops to 30 April 2011.
As every six months, a new DCMI Status Report has been published. The report gives the highlights of the activities in DCMI in the last six months, including new documentation, updates of DCMI Communities and Task Groups, organizational issues, events and statistics.
The slides of the NISO/DCMI Webinar, "Metadata Harmonization: Making Standards Work Together", held on 16 March 2011 are now available for download at the Metadata Training Resources page.