DCMI Metadata Terms published with RDFa markup
A maintenance release of DCMI Metadata Terms, published today, now includes HTML markup describing all of its properties, classes, datatypes, and vocabulary encoding schemes in machine-readable RDF in accordance with the new W3C RDFa Lite 1.1 specification. RDFa Lite 1.1, published as a W3C Recommendation on 7 June 2012, is the simplest variant of RDFa, a syntax for embedding structured data in Web pages. A Web page with RDFa provides -- in the same source document -- both the human-readable text rendered on-screen by browsers and the detailed machine-readable representation needed by Semantic Web applications. The publication software used by DCMI for the past decade was modified and extended to support RDFa by Hugh Barnes, Gregg Kellogg, and Mitsuharu Nagamori with help from Manu Sporny, Tom Baker, Dan Brickley, and Jon Phipps. All of the software and data used to generate this documentation is available from an open-source repository on GitHub.