News from 2012
The Ibero-American DCMI community has created Cafeteria DCMI on Facebook for sharing and metadata discussions in Spanish and Portuguese. Espaço de partilha e discussão da comunidade Ibero-Americana de metadados / Espacio de intercambio y discusión de la comunidad Iberoamericana de metadatos.
DCMI is very pleased to announce that the Information School of the University of Washington has joined DCMI as a Gold Partner with membership through 31 December 2012.
The DCMI Bibliographic Metadata Task Group will be holding its inaugural Meeting in London on 26 April 2012 in conjunction with the _blank">DCMI Vocabulary Management Community
A NISO/DCMI Webinar, will be held online at 13:00 Eastern Time on 22 February 2012. Library cataloging practice continues to have elements of the era of printed catalogs and alphabetized cards, and needs to modernize to take advantage of new information technologies.