News from 2018

The conference programme for DCMI 2018 has now been published. With an exciting mixture of 3 keynotes, papers, presentations, workshops and working meetings, this year's conference promises to continue the excellent tradition of DCMI annual events. (and all this in the wonderful location of Porto, Portugal!).

This webinar is scheduled for Thursday, July 19, 2018, 14:00 UTC (convert this time to your local timezone here) and is free for DCMI members.
There are real opportunities to use technology to automate content tagging, and there are real dangers that automated content tagging will sometimes inappropriately promote and obscure content.
This webinar is scheduled for Thursday, July 12, 2018, 14:00 UTC (convert this time to your local timezone here) and is free for DCMI members.
Many areas of our world are being subject to digitalisation as leaders and policymakers embrace the possibilities that can be harnessed through the capturing and exploiting of data.