Webinar: Lightweight Methodology and Tools for Developing Ontology Networks

This webinar is scheduled for Thursday, November 29, 2018, 15:00 UTC (convert this time to your local timezone here) and is free for DCMI members.

The increasing uptake of semantic technologies is giving the ontologies the opportunity to be treated as first-class citizens within software development projects. Together with the deserved visibility and attention that ontologies are getting, it comes the responsibility for ontology development teams to combine their activities with software development practices as seamless as possible. Therefore, an effort is needed in order to alleviate traditional ontology development methodologies to shift lightweight approaches which also adopt tools and common practices from software development teams. In this presentation some practices, tools and examples of lightweight trends in ontological engineering will be provided.

María Poveda-Villalón is a postdoctoral researcher at Ontology Engineering Group of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Her research activities focus on Ontological Engineering, Ontology Evaluation, Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web. Previously she finished her studies in Computer Science (2009) by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and then she moved to study the Artificial Intelligence Research Master finished in 2010 in the same university. She has collaborated during research stays with Mondeca (París, France) in 2013, the Free University of Berlin in 2012 and the University of Liverpool in 2011. She has worked in the context of Spanish research projects as well as in European projects. Currently she is involved in the European project VICINITY (Open virtual neighbourhood network to connect IoT infrastructures and smart objects), an ETSI project to extend the SAREF ontology and is part of the W3C Web of Things Working Group. She has attended international conferences and co-organized the “4th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC2016)”, the “13th OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop and 5th OWL reasoner evaluation workshop” and the “Linked Energy Data Vocamp”.

This Webinar will be hosted by ASIS&T. [Full details, including instructions for joining the webinar](https://www.asist.org/events/11-29-2018/).