
Registration for DC-2016 is now open at The International Conference takes place on 13-14 October and the Workshop Series on 15-16.

DCMI is proud to announce a series of four workshops as part of the Professional program at DC-2016. Both half-day and full-day workshops are available.

IFLA Satellite Event. Dublin Core™ at 21 celebrates DC's amazing 21 year history and anticipates its future. The Dublin Core™ originated in 1995 at a meeting at OCLC (in the very room where this IFLA Satellite event will also take place).

The Conference Committee for DC-2016 is pleased to announce that it has opened a Presentation Track for DC-2016 in Copenhagen to provide developers, practitioners, and researchers with the opportunity to present on interesting metadata topics in the areas of metadata services, development and deployment projects, metadata explorations underway, and other innovative developments in the metadata ecosystem.

The 16th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop will take place at the DC-2016 conference in Copenhagen. Proposals are invited for the following: (a) Presentations (typically 20 minutes plus discussion time, potentially longer if warranted) on work related to the themes of the workshop (see below).

Bradley P. Allen, Chief Architect at Elsevier, will deliver the keynote address at DC-2016 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Brad has been a serial entrepreneur who has built and led teams in the design, development, launch and operation of innovative Web businesses.

DCMI/ASIS Webinar: This webinar with Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez, University of Murcia, presents the modeling and publishing process of the vocabularies for the UNESKOS project by applying Semantic Web technologies.

Upon request, DCMI is extending the submission deadline for papers, project reports, and posters for the DC-2016 Technical Program from 13 May to 27 May 2016.

With more and more thesauri, classifications, and other knowledge organization systems being published as Linked Data using SKOS, the question arises how best to make them available on the web.

In the past seven years, SKOS has become a widely recognized and used common interchange format for thesauri, classifications, and other types of vocabularies.