
DCMI is pleased to announce that Marcia Zeng has been elected as inaugural Chair of its Advisory Board and Joseph Busch as Chair-Elect.

A NISO/DCMI Webinar with Thomas Hickey, Chief Scientist with OCLC Research, will be held online at 1:00PM Eastern Time on 4 December 2013 (18:00 UTC - see World Clock: http://bit.

DCMI is pleased to announce that it has named Michael Crandall as inaugural Chair of the Oversight Committee and Eric Childress as the Committee's Chair-Elect.

A NISO/DCMI Webinar with Makx Dekkers and Stijn Goedertier will be held online at 1:00PM Eastern Time on 30 October 2013 (17:00 UTC - see World Clock: http://bit.

DCMI is please to announce that the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College in Boston, USA, has joined DCMI as an Institutional Member in the Initiative's revised membership programs.

DCMI has launched an Autumn Membership Drive that continues through 30 November 2013. Individual Members who join before the close of the Drive have the chance to win a free conference registration to DC-2014 in Austin, Texas.

For the first time in the history of the Dublin Core™ International Conference, Best Paper and Best Project Report awards have been given from among three papers on the shortlist in each category.

DCMI is very pleased to announce that Infocom Corporation of Japan has renewed its Supporting Member status until 30 June 2014.

On 12 September, DCMI launched its Individual Member program. In addition to Individual Members financially supporting the work of DCMI, they also enjoy the benefits of reduced registration fees for the International Conference on Dublin Core™ and Metadata Applications and webinars and tutorials.

The collocated conferences for DC-2013 and iPRES-2013 in Lisbon attracted 392 participants from over 37 countries. In addition to the Tuesday through Thursday conference days comprised of peer-reviewed paper and special sessions, 223 participants attended pre-conference tutorials and 246 participated in post-conference workshops for the collocated events.