
The Call for Papers for DC-2013, to be hosted by the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal, 2-6 September 2013, has been published at http://purl.

NISO and DCMI announce the schedule of their joint series of six webinars for 2013 at _blank"> and Details including presenters and abstracts to follow.

DCMI has substantial revised its membership programs with the goal of broadening participation for public- and private-sector institutions, and, for the first time, membership participation by individuals.

DCMI has created a Donations Program to support specific DCMI activities. Descriptions of donation categories are available at In addition to donations targeting support for DCMI International Conference fellowships to defray travel and accommodations costs for select fellows, the Program includes support for current DCMI Work Themes: "Platform-independent Application Profiles", 'Mapping Diverse Vocabularies" and "Sustainable Vocabularies".

Planning for DC-2013 in Lisbon, Portugal on 2-6 September 2013 has started. The conference will be collocated with iPRES 2013 and will be hosted by IST - Instituto Superior Técnico (Engineering School of the Lisbon Technical University).

A NISO/DCMI Webinar with Brian Sletten and Stéphane Corlosquet will be held online at 1:00PM Eastern Time (17:00 UTC) on 24 October 2012.

It is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of Eric Childress to the DCMI Oversight Committee for a three year term as an Independent Member.

The start of DC-2012 to be held 3-7 September 2012 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia is now two weeks away. We are still accepting registrations.

A NISO/DCMI Webinar with Jane Greenberg will be held online at 1:00PM Eastern Time (17:00 UTC) on 22 August 2012. Registration for this webinar closes 22 August 2012 at 12:00PM Eastern (16:00 UTC).

The organizing committee of DC-2012 has published the final program of the event. DC-2012 is part of Knowledge Technology Week 2012.