
Following discussions at DC-2010, the DCMI Task Groups have established work plans for the next year. These will be posted on the Wikis and/or mailing lists of the Task Groups.

Further reports from the DC-2010 workshop sessions have been published by the DCMI Localization and Internationalization Community and DCMI Translation Task Group, the DCMI Social Tagging Community, the DCMI Metadata Provenance Task Group, the DCMI/NKOS Task Group and the DCMI/RDA Task Group.

We are pleased to announce that DC-2011, the eleventh International Conference on Dublin Core™ and Metadata Applications, will take place at the National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague from 21 through 23 September 2011.

After the DC-2010 conference, three new Community moderators have been appointed: Corey Harper of New York University Libraries as co-moderator of the DCMI Registry Community, Jian Qin of the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University as co-moderator of the DCMI Science and Metadata Community and Stuart Sutton of the Information School at the University of Washington as co-moderator of the DCMI Education Community.

Reports from workshop sessions at DC-2010 are becoming available. Reports from the joint meeting of the DCMI Architecture Forum and the W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group, the DCMI User Guide and Glossary Task Groups, the DCMI Libraries Application Task Group, the DCMI/NKOS Task Group, the DCMI Registry Community and Task Group and the DCMI Education Community have been published and reports from the other meetings are expected soon.

Over 150 people from 23 countries attended DC-2010 in Pittsburgh from 20-22 October 2010. The Tutorials that were given on 20 October 2010 can be downloaded from the Training resources page.

The DC-2010 conference is now underway in Pittsburgh with 150 participants from 20 countries. The conference proceedings are online in the DCMI Conference Paper Repository.

The DCMI Usage Board has published a maintenance release of DCMI Metadata Terms. Changes include a formal range for dcterms:title, a new datatype dcterms:RFC5646, and a declaration that the property foaf:maker is equivalent to dcterms:creator.

We're now only a week away from the start of DC-2010, 20-22 October 2010 in Pittsburgh. The program now also includes the names of the meeting rooms.

The DCMI Managing Director has published the semestral September 2010 DCMI Status Report.