
A number of changes have taken place over the last couple of weeks in the leadership of three DCMI Communities: Andrew Wilson of the Australian National Data Service was appointed co-moderator of the DCMI Preservation Community; Sarah Hartmann of the German National Library replaced Christine Frodl as co-moderator of the DCMI Libraries Community; and Muriel Foulonneau of Centre Henri Tudor in Luxembourg took over from Ann Apps as moderator of the DCMI Collection Description Community.

Please note that the deadline (2 April 2010) for the Call for Papers for DC-2010, to be held 20-22 October 2010 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, is rapidly approaching.

The full, edited meeting notes for the Usage Board meeting of 16 October 2009 in Seoul are available. Aside from routine maintenance issues, there was discussion about possibly re-orienting the Board towards the periodic review of basic user-oriented guidelines.

To provide a lower threshold for organizations willing to contribute financially to DCMI, we have added a new level to the DCMI Partnership Program: the Supporter level.

DCMI is pleased to announce that the Metadata Research Center, School of Library and Information Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has joined the DCMI Partnership Program as a DCMI Supporter as of 1 January 2010.

The slides from the Tutorial "Dublin Core: building blocks for interoperability" held in Florence, Italy on 17 December 2009 and sponsored by the DCMI Local Tutorial Partner Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale are now available at the Metadata Training Resources page.

A new Task Group has been established under the name DCMI/NKOS Task Group that targets to develop a Dublin Core™ Application Profile for KOS (Knowledge Organization Systems) resources based on the work of the NKOS group.

The conference Web site for DC-2010, to be held 20-22 October 2010 in Pittsburgh is now available. The site is kindly hosted by ASIS&T, the American Society for Information Science and Technology.

The organizing committee for DC-2010, to be held 20-22 October 2010 in Pittsburgh, has issued the Call for Papers. The theme of the 2010 conference is "Making Metadata Work Harder: Celebrating 15 years of Dublin Core™".

Following the DCMI Advisory Board meeting on 16 October 2009 in Seoul, two Task Groups have been deactivated: the DCMI Agents Task Group and the DCMI Government Application Profile Task Group.