
The DCMI Tools Community is excited to announce a workshop on issues and challenges regarding the implementation of metadata schemes. The Workshop will take place in Zadar, Croatia, on Friday 29 May 2009 during the Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) conference.

The DCMI Social Tagging Community has issued a Call for Participation for a Workshop to be held at the ELPUB2009 Conference on 10 June 2009 in the Sala Napoleonica at the Universit di Milano, Palazzo Greppi, Via S.

In the last months, two new members have been appointed to the DCMI Oversight Committee. In early 2009, Schubert Foo was appointed as representative of the National Library Board Singapore, while recently Samantha Starmer was appointed as the fourth independent member of the Oversight Committee.

As of today, the Korean Library Association (KLA) has joined the National Library of Korea (NLK) as co-host for DC-2009 to be held 12-16 October 2009 in Seoul, Korea.

The Call for Papers for DC-2009, this year's International Conference on Dublin Core™ and Metadata Applications, to be held in Seoul, Korea, 12-16 October 2009, is now closed.

DCMI is interested to establish contact with organizations that are interested to host next year's conference and workshop in North America and therefore has published a Call for Expressions of Interest.

"Interoperability Levels for Dublin Core™ Metadata" has been published as a Recommended Resource. The document discusses modeling choices involved in designing metadata applications for different types of interoperability.

The Program Committee for DC-2009, to be held in Seoul, Korea, 12-16 October 2009 and hosted by the National Library of Korea has extended the deadline for the submission of papers to 8 May 2009.

The chairs of the DC-2009 Tutorial Committee, John Roberts of Archives New Zealand and Heesop Kim of Kyungpook National University Korea, have published a Call for Tutorials for DC-2009, to be held in Seoul, Korea, 12-16 October 2009 and hosted by the National Library of Korea.

A revised version of the International Standard ISO 15836 has been published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO): ISO 15836:2009 Information and documentation -- The Dublin Core™ metadata element set.