
"Interoperability Levels for Dublin Core™ Metadata", published today as a DCMI Working Draft, discusses the modeling choices involved in designing metadata applications for different types of interoperability.

The new DCMI Working Draft "Guidelines for Dublin Core™ Application Profiles" describes the key components of an application profile and walks the reader through the process of designing a profile.

"A MoinMoin Wiki Syntax for Description Set Profiles" has been published as a DCMI Working Draft. Using this syntax, editors can embed constraint information about application profiles into normal Wiki documents and extract this information using an Open Source MoinMoin Wiki tool for display in XML.

This year's conference and workshop DC-2008, held from 22 through 26 September 2008 in Berlin, was very well attended with 312 participants from 170 organizations in 39 countries.

The DCMI Directorate and the National Library of Korea are pleased to announce that DC-2009, the ninth International Conference on Dublin Core™ and Metadata Applications, will be held at the National Digital Library in Seoul, Korea, from 12 through 16 October 2009.

At the DCMI Advisory Board meeting in Berlin on 27 September 2008, the DCMI Tools Community announced that Seth Van Hooland of the Universit Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, will replace Jane Greenberg as co-moderator of the group.

DC-2008, the 8th International Conference on Dublin Core™ and Metadata Applications will open in a few days. Online registration is now closed.

"Expressing Dublin Core™ description sets using XML (DC-DS-XML)" by Pete Johnston and Andy Powell has been published as a DCMI Proposed Recommendation for public comment from 1 to 29 September 2008.

The preparations for DC-2008, the 8th International Conference on Dublin Core™ and Metadata Applications to be held from 22 through 26 September 2008 in Berlin are in full swing.

The DCMI Directorate, in co-operation with the moderators of DCMI Communities and leaders of DCMI Task Groups, has issued a new six-month Status Report for the period March to September 2008.