
A DCMI Registry Task Group has been set up with the primary aims of developing shared functional requirements and inter-registry interoperability issues.

The online registration for DC-2008, to be held from 22 through 26 September in Berlin, will open soon. An early bird discount will be available until 15 July 2008.

The preliminary program for DC-2008 is now available. There are four keynote speakers on the program: On 23 September Kurt Mehlhorn (Max-Planck-Institut fr Informatik) and Jennifer Trant (Archives Museum Informatics); on 24 September Ute Schwens (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek); and on 25 September Paul Miller (Talis).

The National Library Board Singapore, a DCMI Affiliate since 2005, has extended its Affiliation until 2011.

Preparations for DC-2008, to be held in Berlin from 22 though 26 September 2008, are progressing well. In addition to the two keynote speakers already announced, Kurt Mehlhorn of Max Planck Society and Ute Schwens of the German National Library, the organizing committee has found Paul Miller of Talis willing to give a keynote at the conference.

Siderean Software, Inc., a Los Angeles-based semantic search company, has joined the British Library in stepping forward to assist in funding the DCMI/RDA Task Group.

Public Comment on the Working Draft "Description Set Profiles: A constraint language for Dublin Core™ Application Profiles" is now closed. Comments received will be further discussed on the DC-ARCHITECTURE mailing list.

The National Library of Finland, the first organization to join the DCMI Affiliate Program in 2003, has extended its Affiliation until 2011.

The organizing committee of DC-2008 is pleased to announce two of four keynote speakers for this year's conference: Kurt Mehlhorn (Max Planck Society), and Ute Schwens (German National Library).

The early bird registration for DC-2008 is scheduled to open on 1 June 2008. An individual online registration system will be available on the conference Web site.