
DCMI has issued two calls for tender. We are soliciting offers for the production of Guidelines for implementing application profiles, and for the development of Promotional materials for Affiliates and sponsors.

A joint press release was published by the State and University Library Gttingen, Max Planck Digital Library and the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative with a further announcement of DC-2008, the eighth International Conference on Dublin Core™ and Metadata Applications, to be held in Berlin, Germany, from 22 to 26 September 2008 under the title Metadata for Semantic and Social Applications.

An article in Federal Computer Week, published on 4 January 2008, reports that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in the USA has issued three metadata standards that are based on Dublin Core™.

"Expressing Dublin Core™ metadata using the Resource Description Framework (RDF)" has been published as a DCMI Recommendation, replacing two legacy documents: "Expressing Simple Dublin Core™ in RDF/XML" and "Expressing Qualified Dublin Core™ in RDF/XML".

A major maintenance update of "DCMI Metadata Terms" and the related RDF schemas has been released with improved definitions and usage comments, differentiation between Syntax Encoding Schemes and Vocabulary Encoding Schemes, and the specification of formal domains and ranges for properties.

Based on a decision by the DCMI Advisory Board at its meeting in Singapore on 1 September 2007, the DCMI Global Corporate Circle was deactivated in December 2007.

An updated specification for DC-TEXT a syntax for serializing, or representing, a Dublin Core™ metadata description set in plain text has been published as a DCMI Recommended Resource.

The Call for Papers for DC-2008, to be held 22-26 September 2008 in Berlin, is now available from the conference Web site.

Public Comment is being held from 5 November through 3 December 2007 on the DCMI Proposed Recommendation, "Expressing Dublin Core™ metadata using HTML/XHTML meta and link elements" by Pete Johnston and Andy Powell.

At the meeting of the DCMI Global Corporate Circle at DC-2007 in Singapore it was suggested to re-focus the group from its charter that places the main attention on application of Dublin Core™ metadata in corporate environments to a more general focus on Knowledge Management.