
Over the last months, a number of new translations of DCMI documents have been added to the list on the translations page.

The DCMI Directorate is pleased to announce the appointment of two new members to the DCMI Usage Board: Julie Allinson (Library and Archives, University of York, UK) and Pete Johnston (Eduserv Foundation, UK).

At the DCMI Advisory Board meeting in Singapore on 1 September, a new Community was established, the DCMI Scholarly Communications Community.

At DC-2007, a Special Session was held on the issue of identifiers, aimed at those interested in finding out more about work underway around identifiers and to participate in identifying the issues from the DCMI community's perspective.

A main outcome of DC-2007 is the "Singapore Framework", a set of documents that together form the specification of a Dublin Core™ Application Profile.

At DC-2007, the location and dates for next year's conference were revealed. DC-2008 will be held in Berlin, Germany from 22 through 26 September 2008.

DC-2007 in Singapore was attended by 190 participants from 33 countries. As usual, the program contained a mix between research and implementation issues, while many of the DCMI Communities and Task Groups met in breakout sessions.

DC-2007 is now only one week away. The day before the conference, Monday 27 August 2007 is Tutorial Day while the conference and workshop will run from Tuesday 28 August through Thursday 30 August followed by a day on Friday 31 August with two seminars.

Public Comment is now closed for the editorial revisions to existing DCMI terms and for a proposed set of classes for use as domains and ranges of DCMI properties.

Following the changes in work structure that have taken place since DC-2006, the DCMI Directorate, in consultation with the DCMI Usage Board and DCMI Advisory Board, has revised the approval processes for DCMI documents.