
DCMI has commissioned two work items that are related to the development of Application Profiles. The first is a specification of a DCMI Description Set Profile as part of a more formal DCMI Application Profile Model, drafted by Mikael Nilsson.

As part of a program to evaluate the Web site and documentation published by DCMI, a survey has been developed asking a broad range of users for their feedback on DCMI's Web presence.

Makx Dekkers, DCMI Managing Director, has published a new status report of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative, covering the period March 2007 to August 2007.

The preparations for DC-2007, to be held in Singapore from 27 through 31 August 2007 are now drawing to a close.

Following a public comment period earlier this year, a revised DCMI Namespace Policy has been published. The revision documents the creation of a new namespace for entities of the DCMI Abstract Model and updates the terminology used.

Public Comment is being held from 2 through 30 July on a set of editorial revisions to existing DCMI terms and on a proposed set of classes for use as domains and ranges of DCMI properties.

The Organizing Committee of DC-2007, to be held 27-31 August 2007 in Singapore, is pleased to announce that the Guest of Honour at the conference opening will be Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Singapore's Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports and Second Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts.

Incorporating resolutions of comments received in the public comment period in April 2007, a revised version of the DCMI Abstract Model has been approved as a DCMI Recommendation.

Based on work done by Barbara Gorson and subsequent review by a committee of the DCMI Advisory Board, a general presentation of the benefits of using Dublin Core™ metadata has been produced under the title "Making Information Work: the Dublin Core™ Way".

As the result of a five-year review, an updated version of the "The Dublin Core™ Metadata Element Set" has been published as ANSI/NISO Standard Z39.