
A new DCMI Task Group is being set up for collaborative work on Resource Description and Access (RDA), a library standard being developed for resource description and access in the digital world, building on foundations established by the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR).

The Organizing Committee of DC-2007, to be held in Singapore from 27 through 31 August 2007, has published the preliminary program for the conference.

DCMI has published a Call for Tender for the creation of a structured document format expressing a Description Set Profile (part of a Dublin Core™ Application Profile) as a wiki page, along with a script for transforming the wiki document into a machine-processable representation in XML.

The official Web site of DC-2007, to be held in Singapore from 27 through 31 August 2007, is now online. Information about the conference will be posted on a regular basis.

The DCMI Directorate has awarded a contract to Mikael Nilsson (Knowmania HB, Sweden) to draft a specification modelling a "Description Set Profile" the core component of an Application Profile as a formal set of templates and constraints on the basis of the DCMI Abstract Model.

At the ELPUB conference in Vienna, a DCMI Tools workshop will be held under the title "Ontologies for Digital Application Description".

The DCMI Usage Board held its mid-year meeting in Barcelona on 16-17 March 2007. The Usage Board reviewed a revised version of the Collection Description Application Profile, determined that it "conforms" to the DCMI Abstract Model, and is finalizing a formal review.

Public comment will be held from 2 to 30 April 2007 on two related documents: the "DCMI Abstract Model" and the specification "Expressing Dublin Core™ metadata using the Resource Description Framework", or DC-RDF.

After four years of service, Andy Powell of Eduserve Foundation (UK) is stepping down as moderator of the DCMI Architecture Forum.

The Program Committee for DC-2007, to be held in Singapore from 27 through 31 August 2007, has extended the deadline for submission of papers to 16 April 2007.