
The DCMI Directorate has awarded the two Calls for Tender, issued in March 2007, to Diane Hillmann and Jon Phipps at Cornell University.

The public comment period for the revised version of the Abstract Model, the revised DCMI Namespace Policy and a proposal for a vocabulary of classes and their use as the domains and ranges has now finished after a lively discussion on the DC-Architecture list.

Makx Dekkers, DCMI Managing Director, has published a new status report of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative, covering the period September 2006 to March 2007.

The DCMI Directorate is very pleased to announce that on 28 February 2007, a new version of the DCMI Conference Paper Repository has been installed at the National Library of Korea.

The Tutorials of the DC-2006 conference in Manzanillo are now available on the Metadata Training Resources page on the DCMI home page.

DCMI has published two Calls for Tender, one for Analysis of and Recommendations for DCMI Web site and one for User-oriented introductory material and training resources.

In connection with the revision of the DCMI Abstract Model, Andy Powell has developed a proposal for a vocabulary of classes and their use as the domains and ranges of metadata elements maintained by DCMI.

The DCMI Abstract Model, which attained the status of DCMI Recommendation in March 2005, has been revised in light of discussion and feedback from the DCMI Architecture Working Group, the DCMI Usage Board, and the broader community.

The next meetings of the DCMI Board of Trustees and Usage Board will take place in Barcelona in March 2007 at the premises of Barcelona Media.

The Program Committee for DC-2007, to be held in Singapore from 27 through 31 August 2007, has issued the Call for Papers for the conference.