The DCMI Directorate, in consultation with the DCMI Advisory Board, has appointed Thomas Severiens of the Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg and Harry Wagner of OCLC as chairs of the DCMI Tools Working Group, taking over from Roland Schwnzl who passed away this summer.
The DCMI Advisory Board, in its meeting on 15 October 2004 in Shanghai, decided to de-activate the DCMI Type Working Group.
The papers from the DC-2004 conference in Shanghai can be accessed by clicking on the titles of the papers on the DC-2004 Conference Program Web page, as well as at http://purl.
The Usage Board has published a summary of the main decisions taken at its meeting at DC-2004 in Shanghai
on 9-10 October 2004.
The Usage Board has announced the approval of a new term: "Provenance". The full text of the decision can be found from the Usage Board Decisions Web page.
Makx Dekkers, DCMI Managing Director, has published a new status report of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative, covering the period March-September 2004.
In preparation for its next meeting on 9 and 10 October 2004 in Shanghai, China, the DCMI Usage Board is inviting comments on several proposals.
The inaugural version of the Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary (PBcore), a standard way to describe all public broadcasting content based on Dublin Core™ metadata, is being finalized for the launch of version 1.
As part of the Affiliate Agreement with MLA and JISC in the UK, Paul Miller will represent the UK Affiliate on the DCMI Board of Trustees.
The DCMI Directorate is pleased to announce that the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) and Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the further and higher education funding bodies in the UK have signed an Affiliate Agreement with DCMI, enabling the UK to become formally involved in the continued development of the Dublin Core™ metadata standards.