
Makx Dekkers, DCMI Managing Director, has published the next status report of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative, with highlights of the last year.

DC-2003 is rapidly approaching. Please watch the Conference Web site for the latest news. We are looking forward to meeting many of you in Seattle.

The DCMI Usage Board will hold its next meeting on Saturday and Sunday, 27-28 September 2003, in conjunction with the DC-2003 conference in Seattle, Washington.

With the help of Siderean Software, DC-2003 Conference now has abstracts available online. Click here to access descriptions of the papers and posters to the upcoming conference.

In conjunction with DC-2003, meetings will be held in Seattle of the DCMI Board of Trustees (27 September 2003) and the DCMI Advisory Board (3 October 2003).

Last chance for conference rate hotel booking! Deadline extended to September 8, 2003 for the DC-2003 conference hotel, Seattle Marriott Waterfront.

The Gttingen State and University Library (SUB), the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI), and the Information Technology Section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) are jointly organizing an IFLA Satellite meeting to be held at the Gttingen State and University Library, Germany from 11th August to the 12th of August 2003.

The DC-2003 Conference and Workshop tentative schedule to be held in Seattle, Washington, USA, September 28 through October 2 is available on the DC-2003 Web site.

Makx Dekkers, DCMI Managing Director, has published the next status report of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative, with highlights of the last three months.

The DCMI Usage Board held a meeting at Cornell University on 16-17 June 2003 and is currently finalizing a series of decisions and documents, among which: