The DCMI Board of Trustees mid-year meeting convened in Budapest, Hungary at the end of May to discuss ongoing activities and review organizational plans and activities for the coming months.
As of July 1, 2003, Stuart Weibel has stepped down as Director of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative. Makx Dekkers, DCMI's Managing Director, will assume this role.
The Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative (DCMI) and IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC) are pleased to announce that the LTSC will be holding plenary and working group meetings in Seattle, Washington, September 30 - October 3 in conjunction with the DCMI 2003 conference (http://dc2003.
Register for DC-2003 today! The registration form for the Conference, Tutorial, and Workshop tracks as well as pre-Conference workshops is available at http://dc2003.
The National Library of Spain hosts a Seminar on the Application of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Model in Spain on 5 June 2003 in Madrid.
Online registration is now available for the DC-2003 Conference & Workshop to be held in Seattle, Washington, USA 28 September through 2 October 2003.
Two proposals from the DCMI Type Working Group to the Usage Board are now available for review and public comment. The public comment period for the proposals for Moving Image and Still Image is open until 13 June 2003.
The next Usage Board meeting will be held at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, on 16-17 May 2003. Interested members of the Dublin Core™ community should contact the Usage Board chair, Tom Baker for further information.
DCMI and the National Library of Finland are pleased to announce that Finland has become DCMI's first National Affiliate. The DCMI Affiliate program is intended to provide a stronger link between local communities of practice and the Initiative.
Two DC-2003 pre-conference workshops will be offered on Sunday, 28 September 2003:
Metadata Search sponsored by the DCMI Corporate Circle. This all day workshop will focus on internal or site search technology, as opposed to external, Internet or web search technology (although some technology is applicable to both internal and external search applications).