The Contributed Papers deadline for DC-2003 has been extended from May 3, 2003 to May 17, 2003. For more information, see the DC-2003 Web site Call for Papers.
Makx Dekkers and Stuart Weibel have published the latest in the series of State of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative reports in the April issue of DLib Magazine, the online journal for digital library applications.
The DCMI Directorate is pleased to report that the Dublin Core™ Metadata Element Set standard has been approved. The final text of the ISO 15836 standard and the balloting report, including the response to comments, on the SC4 document log on the ISO TC46/SC4 website: http://www.
Today, DCMI introduces a new Question and Answer service for the community: AskDCMI. This service is based on the virtual reference infrastructure developed by the Information Institute of Syracuse as part of the Virtual Reference Desk project.
The DCMI Directorate is pleased to announce that the Guidelines for implementing Dublin Core™ in XML is now a DCMI Recommendation.
The DCMI Directorate is pleased to announce the Public Comment period for the document "Guidelines for implementing Dublin Core™ in XML".
On 22-23 January 2003, a meeting in Washington DC, hosted by NIST, brought together a group of people working in DC-Accessibility and people active in INCITS V2, to discuss the development of an international roadmap of who is doing what work in the field of accessibility.
The DC-2003 Conference and Workshop will be held in Seattle, Washington, USA on 28 September 2003 through 2 October 2003. The Program Committee has issued a Call for Papers.
Contributed Papers Deadline: May 3, 2003
The DC-2003 Conference and Workshop will be held in Seattle, Washington, USA on 28 September 2003 through 2 October 2003.
The DCMI Usage Board welcomes its ninth member, Andrew Wilson of the National Archives of Australia. Andrew works on the Australian Government Locator Service (AGLS) and has been involved with the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative since 1998, having played a major role in the work of the DC-Government working group.