
This webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, May 22, 2018, 14:00 UTC (convert this time to your local timezone here) and is free for DCMI members.

Every structured exchange requires consensus about the structure. The Shape Expressions (ShEx) language captures these structures in an intuitive and powerful syntax. From metadata description (e.g. DDI) to data description (e.g. FHIR), ShEx provides a powerful schema language to develop, test and deploy shared models for RDF data. This tutorial will explore the utility and expressivity of ShEx.Presented with side-by-side examples of schema and data, the audience will see how to use ShEx to solve every-day problems. The presentation will use multiple implementations of ShEx in order to leave the participants with enough familiarity to get started using ShEx on their own.

This webinar is scheduled for Thursday, May 10, 2018, 14:00 UTC (convert this time to your local timezone here) and is free for DCMI members.

Linked Data is recognized as one of the underpinnings for open data, open science, and data-driven research and learning in the Semantic Web era. Questions still exist, however, about what should be expected as Linked Data related knowledge, skills, and learning outcomes, and where to find relevant learning materials. This webinar will introduce a competency framework that defines the knowledge and skills necessary for professional practice in the area of Linked Data, developed by the Linked Data for Professional Educators (LD4PE) project and funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

The deadline for the call for papers for the DCMI Conference, 2018, has been extended to 7th May 2018. This year's conference should be an exciting one.

DCMI is pleased to announce that the three keynote speakers for this year's conference (colocated with TPDL2018) will be Natalia Manola, Herbert Van de Sompel and Medha Devare. All three are leading figures in their areas, and together will undoubtedly provide a variety of engaging and, in some cases, challenging viewpoints!

Natalia Manola

Herbert Van de Sompel

Medha Devare

DCMI and its LRMI Task Group are pleased to announce the publication of a set of controlled vocabularies (enumerations) for use with existing schema.

The Call for Papers for the DCMI Conference, 2018, has been issued! Full details, including instructions on how to submit proposals, deadlines etc.

We are pleased to announce that DCMI's annual international conference, DC-2018, will be hosted by the University of Porto in Portugal, from September 10th - 13th.

We are also pleased to announce that the conference will be co-located with the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) annual international conference

The conferences will deliver two, parallel programmes of peer-reviewed papers, tutorials and workshops. Delegates will register once, and will then be free to choose between the two programmes, with some plenary sessions (keynotes) and social events bringing all delegates together.

For a single registration you will be able to choose from a range of talks, workshops and tutorials!

I am delighted to report that the Corporación Ecuatoriana para el Desarrollo de Investigación y la Academia (CEDIA) has agreed to join DCMI as a regional member.

update: Branka Kosovac will join Joseph Busch in presenting this webinar

DCMI is pleased to announce a new webinar: Save the Children Resource Libraries: Aligning Internal Technical Resource Libraries with a Public Distribution Website.

2017 has been a year of transition, with Stuart Sutton stepping down after six years at the helm of DCMI as its Managing Director. He has been succeeded by Paul Walk.

DCMI would like to extend its gratitude to Stuart for his tremendous service, during a challenging period. Stuart is known for his warmth and generosity, which combined have made so many people feel welcomed into the DCMI community.