An official meeting of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative Libraries Working Group (DCMI-LibWG) will be held at during the IFLA meeting on August 22, 2001.
Makx Dekkers, DCMI Managing Director, has published the next status report of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative, looking at all activities that have taken place in the months of May and June 2001.
The DCMI Tools workshop was held on June 20-22, 2001 in Osnabrck, Germany. The list of participants, background information and the minutes are now available from the Workshop website http://www.
The conference "Managing Information Resources for e-Government" was held on June 21-22, 2001 in Brussels, Belgium. The conference was arranged by the DCMI Government Working Group in collaboration with the European Commission and the European Parliament to explore the possibility of developing a framework for the use of metadata across European governments and parliaments.
The DCMI Directorate has been informed that Z39.85 (the NISO version of the Dublin Core™ element set) has been approved and will be advanced to the American National Standards Institute in July.
The "Agricultural Metadata Standards Initiative", a collaborative effort between a number of partners in the agricultural community, the World Agricultural Information Centre of FAO, are pleased to announce a draft recommendation for a metadata specification based on the Dublin Core™ Elements and Qualifiers, as well as extensions which were considered necessary for Agricultural Information.
The DCMI Government Working Group in collaboration with the IDA Programme (Interchange of Data between Administrations) of the European Commission have arranged the conference "Managing Information Resources for e-Government" to be held on June 21-22, 2001 in Brussels, Belgium.
The DCMI Tools Workshop, to be held on Osnabrck, Germany on June 20 -22, 2001, is looking for active developers of metadata applications interested in development of (open source) software that supports (qualified) Dublin Core™ metadata and application-specific or domain specific extensions to participate.
The DCMI Directorate is pleased to announce that the new version of "Using Dublin Core™" is now a DCMI Recommendation following the public comment period that ended May 15, 2001.
The DCMI Update Newsletter returns after a hiatus. The DCMI Update is part of our attempt to improve communication in our globally distributed collaboration.