A first step of the DC Implementation task force of the Ukrainian Library Association, this site posts comments and explanations about the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative and the Dublin Core™ Element Set in Ukrainian.
The DC-Education working group will be holding its face-to-face meeting in Melbourne, Australia on the weekend of February 19-20, 2000.
MetaChem is a single Web-based focal point for access to chemistry information resources of all kinds.
The Dublin Core™ is a small set of metadata element for describing information resources. This document explains how these element are expressed using the META and LINK tags of HTML 4.
The Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative is pleased to announce that two mirrors of the official Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative web site have been established in Australia and in the United Kingdom.
The service, a first entry point to UK public sector information on the internet, uses the Dublin Core™ RDF vocabulary to describe each of the resources available on the site.
MALVINE opens new and enhanced access to disparate holdings of modern manuscripts and letters, kept and catalogued in European libraries, archives, documentation centres and museums.
One element of the Open eBook Initiative is a specification for eBook file and format structure based on HTML and XML.
The Dublin Core™ Directorate is pleased to announce that a set of revised element definitions has been made a Recommendation.
The Guide addresses Dublin Core™ 1.0 as documented in RFC 2413 and is an important result of CIMI's Dublin Core™ test bed, an ongoing effort to explore the usability, simplicity and technical feasibility of Dublin Core™ for museum information.