
A new Dublin Core™ working group has been constituted to discuss and develop a proposal for the use of Dublin Core™ metadata in the description of educational resources.

The Australian government's BEP is an initiative to make it easier for Australian businesses to deal with the government.

The Phronesis system allows the creation of distributed library collections on the internet.

Meta Matters is a website intended to help web content providers improve the effectiveness of searching for information resources on the World Wide Web.

AGLS was developed in late 1997 as the resource discovery metadata standard for Australian governments and was endorsed for use by all levels of government in Australia in November 1998.

The working draft from the DCMI Bibliographic Citation working group is now available for discussion and review on the DC-General listserv through July 19, 1999.

The Dublin Core™ Directorate is pleased to announce that a set of revised element definitions has been completed and is available for public review and comment.

Objectives, procedures and deadlines for participating in the discussion of qualifiers are described in this Call for Input. Discussion of qualifiers will culminate at the DC-7 workshop in Frankfurt, Germany in October, 1999.

The Dublin Core™ Directorate invites self-nominations (or nominations of others) for participation in the 7th Dublin Core™ Metadata Workshop, co-sponsored by Die Deutsche Bibliothek and the OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

The RDF Model and Syntax specification has been granted Recommendation status by the W3C. RDF is the result of several metadata communities bringing together their functional requirements to provide a robust and flexible architecture for supporting metadata on the web.