
The Governing Board and the Chairs of the DC-2017 Program Committee are please to announce that Sayeed Choudhury, Associate Dean for Research Data Management and Hodson Director of the Digital Research and Curation Center at the Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University will deliver the keynote address at DC-2017 in Washington, D.

There is a growing interest in the publication and consumption of data on the Web. Government and non-governmental organizations already provide a variety of data on the Web, some open, others with access restrictions, covering a variety of domains such as education, economics, e-commerce and scientific data.

The DC-2017 Call for Participation (CfP) has been published. DC-2017 will take place in Washington, D.C. and will be collocated with the ASIST Annual Meeting.

Many libraries are experimenting with publishing their metadata as Linked Data to open up bibliographic silos, usually based on MARC records, to the Web.

The DCMI Governing Board is pleased to announce that University of Edinburgh has joined DCMI as an Institutional Member. The University of Edinburgh is a world-leading centre of academic excellence with the mission to create, disseminate and curate knowledge.

DCMI is pleased to announce that Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen) has joined DCMI as an Institutional Member. SUB Göttingen is one of most important research libraries in Germany, plays a leading role in a large number of national and international projects involving the optimization of literature and information provision and the establishment and development of digital research and information infrastructures.

DCMI is pleased to announce that Synaptica is supporting DC-2016 in Copenhagen as a Gold Sponsor. Since 1995, Synaptica has been developing innovative software tools for organizing, indexing and classifying information, and for discovering knowledge.

Stuart Sutton has announced his intention to step down as DCMI Managing Director effective 30 June 2017. Over the coming months, the DCMI Executive Committee and the Governing Board will be engaged in succession planning and the process of replacing the Managing Director.

DC-2016 in Copenhagen, Denmark on 13-16 October is rapidly approaching. The program promises a rich array of papers, project reports, presentations, demonstrations, posters, special panels, workshops and an exciting keynote by Elsevier's Bradley Allen.

The Danish Bibliographic Centre (DBC) joins in supporting DC-2016 in Copenhagen as Sponsor of the Conference Delegate Bags. The DBC's main task in Denmark is the development and maintenance of the bibliographic and IT infrastructure of Danish libraries.