RDF Schema Declaration of Relation Types


RDF Schema Declaration of Relation Types

Date Issued:
Not Applicable
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Status of document:
This is a DCMI Note.
Description of document: This document provides an RDF Schema declaration of the Relation Types defined by the Dublin Core™ Relation Type Working Group. This schema declaration consists of both machine-understandable information and human-readable prose for each of the agreed upon Relation Types. The machine-understandable declaration of these types are found embedded in the HTML source code. Human readable declarations of the relation types follow.

This document provides an RDF Schema declaration of the Relation Types defined by the Dublin Core™ Relation Type Working Group. This schema declaration consists of both machine-understandable information and human-readable prose for each of the agreed upon Relation Types. The machine-understandable declaration of these types are found embedded in the HTML source code. Human readable declarations of the relation types are as followed:

Label: isPartOf
Description: The relation in which a source resource is a physical or logical part of a target resource.

Label: hasPart
Description: The relation in which a source resource is a physical or logical whole of a target resource.

Label: isVersionOf
Description: The relation in which a source resource is a historical state or edition of a target resource.

Label: isFormatOf
Description: The relation in which a source resource is derived from another target resource by a reproduction or reformatting technology which is not fundamentally an interpretation but is intended to be a representation.

Label: hasFormat
Description: The relation in which a source resource has been derived from a target resource by a reproduction or reformatting technology which is not fundamentally an interpretation but is intended to be a representation.

Label: references
Description: The relation in which the creator of a source resource cites, acknowledges, disputes or otherwise refers to a target resource.

Label: isReferencedBy
Description: The relation in which the creator of a source resource has been cited by, acknowledged, disputed or otherwise refeerenced by a target resource.

Label: isBasedOn
Description: The relation in which the source resource is a performance, production, derivation, translation, adaptation or interpretation of a target resource.

Label: isBasisFor
Description: The relation in which the source resource is the performance, production, derivation, translation, adaptation or interpretation of the target resource.

Label: requires
Description: The relation in which a source resource requires a target resource for its functioning, delivery, or content and cannot be used without the related resource being present.

Label: isRequiredBy
Description: The relation in which a source resource is required by a target resource for its functioning, delivery, or content and cannot be used without the related resource being present.