Using Dublin Core


Using Dublin Core

Date Issued:
Date Created: 1999-09-23
Date Modified: 2001-01-03
Not applicable
Is Replaced By:
Not applicable
Is Part Of:
Latest Version:
Status of Document:
This is a DCMI Working Draft.
Description of Document: This document is intended as an entry point for users of Dublin Core™. For non-specialists, it will assist them in creating simple descriptive records for information resources (for example, electronic documents). Specialists may find the document a useful point of reference to the documentation of Dublin Core, as it changes and grows.

6.3 Qualified HTML Examples

Encoding Dublin Core™ Elements

This section consists of qualifed Dublin Core™ encoding examples, arranged by element. The qualifiers used have not been approved specifically by Dublin Core, but are included to illustrate how qualifiers work.


    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          content = "Hamlet in Iceland; being the Icelandic romantic Ambales saga">
    <meta name = "DC.Title.Alternative"
          content = "Ambales saga">

    <meta name = "DC.Title.Alternative"
          lang = "en"
          content = "The Well-tempered Klavier">
_Subject (topic or keyword)_
&lt;meta name = "DC.Subject"
      content = "heart attack"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Subject"
      scheme = "MeSH"
      content = "Myocardial Infarction; Pericardial Effusion"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Subject"
      content = "Vietnam War"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Subject"
      scheme = "LCSH"
      content = "Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Subject"
      content = "Friendship"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Subject.Classification"
      scheme = "DDC"
      content = "158.25"&gt;

Description (textual description or abstract)

<meta name = "DC.Description.TableofContents"
lang = "en"
content = "The Author gives some Account of Himself and Family
-- His First Inducements to Travel -- He is
Shipwrecked, and Swims for his Life -- Gets safe on
Shore in the Country of Lilliput -- Is made a
Prisoner, and carried up the Country">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Description.Abstract"
      content = "The kinematics of the jaws and hyolingual apparatus in 
                 Caiman crocodilus were examined by cineradiography and
                 electromyography. After catching, caimans position their 
                 prey between the teeth by a series of inertial bites and 
                 then kill and crush it by a forceful bite."&gt;

Date (of creation or availability of resource; [WTN8601] recommended)

<meta name = "DC.Date.Created"
content = "1998-05-14">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Date.Available"
      content = "1998-05-21"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Date.Valid"
      content = "1998-05-28"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Date.Created"
      content = "triassic"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Date.Issued"
      scheme = "ANSI.X3.X30-1985"
      content = "19980514"&gt;

Type (category or genre)

<meta name = "DC.Type"
scheme = "DCMIType"
content = "Software">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Type"
      scheme = "DCMIType"
      content = "Dataset"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Type"
      scheme = "DCMIType"
      content = "Event"&gt;

Format (data format, plus optional dimensions)

<meta name = "DC.Format.Medium"
scheme = "IMT"
content = "text/xml">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Format.Medium"
      scheme = "IMT"
      content = "image/jpeg"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Format.Medium"
      scheme = "IMT"<br> content = "video/mpeg"&gt;
&lt;meta name = "DC.Format.Extent"
      content = "14 minutes"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Format.Medium"
      content = "unix tar archive, gzip compressed; 1.5 Mbytes"&gt;
&lt;meta name = "DC.Format.Extent"
      content = "1.5 Mb"&gt;

Identifier (of the resource)

<meta name = "DC.Identifier"
scheme = "URI"
content = "">
Language (of the content of the resource; [RFC1766] recommended)

<meta name = "DC.Language"
content = "en">
<meta name = "DC.Language"
content = "en;fr">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Language"
      scheme = "rfc1766"
      content = "en"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Language"
      scheme = "ISO639-2"
      content = "eng"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Language"
      scheme = "rfc1766"
      content = "en-US"&gt;

Relation (relationship to a second resource plus its identifier)

<meta name = "DC.Relation.IsPartOf"
content = "">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Relation.IsFormatOf"
      content = ""&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Relation.IsVersionOf"
      content = ""&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Relation.References"
      content = "urn:isbn:1-56592-149-6"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Relation.IsBasedOn"
      content = "Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Relation.Requires"
      content = "LWP::UserAgent; HTML::Parse; URI::URL;
                 Net::DNS; Tk::Pixmap; Tk::Bitmap; Tk::Photo"&gt;

Coverage (spatial or temporal features of the intellectual content)

<meta name = "DC.Coverage.Temporal"
content = "US civil war era; 1861-1865">
<meta name = "DC.Coverage.Spatial"
content = "Columbus, Ohio, USA; Lat: 39 57 N Long: 082 59 W">
<meta name = "DC.Coverage.Spatial.Lat"
content = "39 57 N">
<meta name = "DC.Coverage.Spatial.Long"
content = "082 59 W">
<meta name = "DC.Coverage.Spatial"
scheme = "TGN"
content = "Columbus (C,V)">

Some examples modified or extracted from John Kunze's Encoding Dublin Core™ Metadata in HTML