Using Dublin Core


Simple HTML Examples

Date Issued:
Is Replaced By:
Not applicable
Is Part Of:

6.2 Simple HTML Examples

General examples [1]

    <meta name = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Simpson, Homer">

    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          content = "The Communist Manifesto">

    <meta name = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Marx, K.">

    <meta name = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Engels, F.">

    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          content = "Capital">

Example: Special character encoding [1]

 <meta name = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Da Costa, JosÉ">

    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          content = "Jesse "The Body" Ventura--A Biography">

These examples show how some special characters may be encoded. The author name in the first element contains a diacritic encoded as an HTML character entity reference -- in this case an accented letter E. Similarly, the second contains two double-quote characters encoded so as to avoid being interpreted as element content delimiters.

Link tags [1]

    <link rel = "schema.DC"
          href = "">

    <link rel = "schema.ADMIN"
          href = "">

Embedded HTML in poem [1]



    <title> A Dirge </title>

    <link rel = "schema.DC"
          href = "">

    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          content = "A Dirge">

    <meta name = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Shelley, Percy Bysshe">
    <meta name = "DC.Type"
          content = "poem">

    <meta name = "DC.Date"
          content = "1820">

    <meta name = "DC.Format"
          content = "text/html">

    <meta name = "DC.Language"
          content = "en">



            Rough wind, that moanest loud
              Grief too sad for song;
            Wild wind, when sullen cloud
              Knells all the night long;
            Sad storm, whose tears are vain,
            Bare woods, whose branches strain,
            Deep caves and dreary main, -
              Wail, for the world's wrong!



Different encoding practices [1]

    <META NAME="DC.Format"
          CONTENT="text/html; 12 Kbytes">

            Content = "text/html; 12 Kbytes"
            Name = "DC.Format">

    <meta name = "DC.Format" content = "text/html; 12 Kbytes">
**Encoding languages and schemes [1]**
    <meta lang = "LANGUAGE_OF_METADATA_CONTENT" ... >



Accordingly, a work in Spanish with an additional English title might be described with:

    <meta name = "DC.Language"
          scheme = "rfc1766"
          content = "es">

    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          lang = "es"
          content = "La Mesa Verde y la Silla Roja">

    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          lang = "en"
          content = "The Green Table and the Red Chair">

    <meta name = "DC.Date"
          content = "1935">

Encoding Dublin Core™ Elements [1]

This section consists of very simple Dublin Core™ encoding examples, arranged by element.


    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          content = "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination">

    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          content = "Crime and Punishment">

    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          content = "Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol 32, No 4">

    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          content = "Still life #4 with flowers">

    <meta name = "DC.Title"
          lang = "de"
          content = "Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, Teil I">

Creator (entity that created the intellectual content)

    <meta name = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Gogh, Vincent van">

    <meta name = "DC.Creator"
          content = "van Gogh, Vincent">

    <meta name = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Mao Tse Tung">

    <meta name = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Mao, Tse Tung">

    <meta name = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Plato">

    <meta name = "DC.Creator"
          lang = "fr"
          content = "Platon">

Subject (topic or keyword)

<meta name = "DC.Subject"
content = "heart attack">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Subject"
      scheme = "MESH"
      content = "Myocardial Infarction; Pericardial Effusion"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Subject"
      content = "vietnam war"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Subject"
      scheme = "LCSH"
      content = "Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Subject"
      content = "Friendship"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Subject"
      scheme = "ddc"
      content = "158.25"&gt;

Description (textual description or abstract)

<meta name = "DC.Description"
lang = "en"
content = "The Author gives some Account of Himself and Family
-- His First Inducements to Travel -- He is
Shipwrecked, and Swims for his Life -- Gets safe on
Shore in the Country of Lilliput -- Is made a
Prisoner, and carried up the Country">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Description"
      content = "A tutorial and reference manual for Java."&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Description"
      content = "Seated family of five, coconut trees to the left,
                 sailboats moored off sandy beach to the right,
                 with volcano in the background."&gt;

Publisher (entity that made the resource available)

<meta name = "DC.Publisher"
content = "O'Reilly">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Publisher"
      content = "Digital Equipment Corporation"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Publisher"
      content = "University of California Press"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Publisher"
      content = "State of Florida (USA)"&gt;

Contributor (other entity that made an intellectual contribution)

&lt;meta name = "DC.Contributor"
      content = "Curie, Marie"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Contributor"
      content = "Adams, Ansel"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Contributor"
      content = "Sendak, Maurice"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Contributor"
      content = "Starr, Kenneth"&gt;

Date (of creation or availability of resource; [WTN8601] recommended)

&lt;meta name = "DC.Date"
      content = "1972"&gt;

<meta name = "DC.Date"
content = "1998-05-14">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Date"
      scheme = "WTN8601"
      content = "1998-05-14"&gt;

Type (category or genre)
<meta name = "DC.Type"
content = "poem">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Type"
      content = "software program source code"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Type"
      content = "interactive video game"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Type"
      content = "web home page"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Type"
      content = "web bibliography"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Type"
      content = "painting"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Type"
      content = "image; woodblock"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Type"
      lang = "en-US"
      content = "image; advertisement"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Type"
      content = "event; periodic"&gt;

Format (data format, plus optional dimensions)

<meta name = "DC.Format"
content = "text/xml">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Format"
      content = "A text file with mono-spaced tables and diagrams."&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Format"
      content = "video/mpeg; 14 minutes"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Format"
      content = "unix tar archive, gzip compressed; 1.5 Mbytes"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Format"
      content = "watercolor; 23 cm x 31 cm"&gt;

Identifier (of the resource)

<meta name = "DC.Identifier"
content = "">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Identifier"
      content = "urn:ietf:rfc:1766"&gt;

Source (information about the resource's origin)

<meta name = "DC.Source"
content = "Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Source"
      content = ""&gt;

Language (of the content of the resource; [RFC1766] recommended)

<meta name = "DC.Language"
content = "en">

&lt;meta name = "DC.Language"
      content = "zh"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Language"
      content = "ja"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Language"
      content = "es"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Language"
      content = "de"&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Language"
      content = "german"&gt;

Relation (relationship to a second resource plus its identifier)

<meta name = "DC.Relation"
content = "Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet">

Coverage (spatial or temporal features of the intellectual content)

    <meta name = "DC.Coverage"
          content = "US civil war era; 1861-1865">

    <meta name = "DC.Coverage"
          content = "Columbus, Ohio, USA; Lat: 39 57 N Long: 082 59 W">

_Rights (text or identifier of a rights management statement)_
&lt;meta name = "DC.Rights"
      content = "Copyright Acme 1999 - All rights reserved."&gt;

&lt;meta name = "DC.Rights"
      content = ""&gt;

[1] Examples extracted from John Kunze's Encoding Dublin Core™ Metadata in HTML