These notes apply to the published mapping between the ISO 25964 data model and the SKOS schema (
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General information about ISO 25964:
The annotation indicates
"proposed" properties that are not part of the mapping documentation.
Not modelled but requiring further extension:
- CustomTermAttribute :
Best practice would be to define custom RDF data-type properties
taking plain literal values. The property name depends on the
- CustomConceptAttribute :
Best practice would be to define
custom RDF data-type properties taking plain literal values. The
property name depends on the customAttributeType.
- refersTo (reference from within a note to a concept or label/term:
May be an embedded and tagged link in the note value (e.g., as done for EuroVoc
- CustomNote :
depending noteType a new custom property should be defined as a
sub-property of skos:note (consider applicability of: skos:changeNote
and skos:example)
Currently these are only defined as direct (one-step) sub-properties of skos:broader / skos:narrower.
Some constraints currently expressed only in natural language (in rdfs:comment) may be formally expressed as OWL(2) axioms.
We have postponed the implementation of the iso-thes properties mentioned in the VersionHistory section of the mapping documentation.
ISO ConceptGroup
Concept groups have several applications. One such application is illustrated by the EUROVOC and the UNESCO thesaurus. Both of these use a super structure of domain and micro-thesaurus. Both of these structuring elements can be modeled using ConceptGroup.
A concept group is a group of concepts making up a subset of the thesaurus. Member concepts may be drawn from many different facets or hierarchies of the thesaurus. While almost any criterion may be used to select the members, this construct is commonly used to define a micro-thesaurus that will be used by a particular user group or domain.
The skos:inScheme ( property should be used to indicate the thesaurus to which an instance of skos:Collection applies (see ISO 25964: isPartOf).
Use rdfs:label or xl:prefLabel for the ConceptGroup label (1 per language).
Optional label attributes typically are mapped to dc: (or dct:) properties:
- dct:created
- dct:modified
These can be attached to the xl:Label instance that is the value of the xl:prefLabel.
Depending on the value of the ISO conceptGroupType a sub-class of iso thes:ConceptGroup should be defined.
e.g.: EUROVOC and UNESCO use
- Domain
- MicroThesaurus (an iso-thes:hasSubGroup of a Domain)
ISO PreferredTerm:
Instances of iso-thes:PreferredTerm are objects of skos-xl:prefLabel statements.
Making the class explicit allows RDF/OWL consistency checks for CompoundEquivalence.
ISO SimpleNonPreferredTerm
Instances of iso:SimpleNonPreferredTerm are the object of either of skos xl:altLabel or skos xl:hiddenLabel statements.
Identifying cases of Equivalence:
In SKOS/-XL, Equivalence may be derived between the skos/skos
xl:prefLabel statements on one hand and the skos/skos xl:altLabel or the
skos/skos xl:hiddenLabel statements on the other hand where:
- the subject of all these statements is the same instance of skos:Concept,
- the language of all the bound labels is the same,
- the prefLabel has the role USE, and
- the altLabel and hiddenLabel have the role UF.
iso SplitNonPreferredTerm
This class provides for an 'imagined' concept that may exist in a
user’s mind but is not present in the thesaurus (Concept Scheme); it
can, however, be represented by a combination of two or more preferred
terms (skos-xl:prefLabel) in the thesaurus. (In contrast, concepts
present in the thesaurus are provided for by the ThesaurusConcept
This label is provided by the object property iso-thes:plusUF
- domain: iso-thes:CompoundEquivalence
- range: iso-thes:SplitNonPreferredTerm
Definition: ISO ThesaurusArray
An array is a group of sibling concepts
Instances of ThesaurusArray can be mapped to instances of
skos:OrderedCollection (a subclass of skos:Collection) if and only if
the array needs to be an ordered array (in the ISO-25964 model the value
of its Boolean attribute "ordered" is true).
It is advised to use the skos:inScheme
( property on such a
skos:Collection to relate it to its Thesaurus (see ISO 25964: isPartOf).
Concepts in a thesaurus array are sibling concepts in the thesaurus.
If present, the node label (1 per language) of a thesaurus array is mapped to rdfs:label or xl:prefLabel.
Optional node label attributes typically are mapped to dc: (or dct:) properties:
- dct:created
- dct:modified
These can be attached (if needed) to the xl:Label instance that is the value of xl:prefLabel.
super class of ISO ThesaurusConcept
The mandatory attribute identifier may be mapped to the Dublin Core property dc:identifier.
Attributes or associations not detailed below typically are mapped to dc: (or dct:) properties:
- dct:created
- dct:modified
super class of ISO Thesaurus
The mandatory attribute identifier may be mapped to the Dublin Core property dc:identifier. A typical representation of a thesaurus should document a (scoped) relationship between an identifier of this thesaurus and the URI of the RDF Concept Scheme URI.
The mandatory attribute lang can be mapped to either of the Dublin Core properties dc:language or dct:language. The value space is defined by RFC 4646. For multilingual thesaurus, one lang attribute is needed per supported language.
Typically these can be mapped to the corresponding Dublin Core dc: (or dct:) properties:
- dc:contributor
- dc:coverage
- dc:creator
- dct:created
- dct:modified
- dc:date
- rdfs:comment
- dc:format
- dc:publisher
- dc:relation, dct:relation or a specialization
- dc:rights
- dc:source
- dc:subject
- dc:title
- dc:type
The association "hasVersion" is discussed in the Version_History section of the mapping documentation (
Super class of ISO ThesaurusTerm and of ISO NodeLabel.
A ThesaurusTerm has mandatory attributes lexicalValue and
identifier. lexicalValue can be mapped to skos xl:literalForm. The value
of identifier can be used as the URI of the skos xl:Label or as the
object of a dc:identifier statement on that skos-xl:Label.
A NodeLabel has mandatory attributes lexicalValue.
The optional ISO25964 lang attribute of ThesaurusTerm must be mapped to RDF language tag for RDF plain literals.
Attributes or associations not detailed below typically are mapped to dc: (or dct:) properties:
- dct:created
- dct:modified
- dc:source
ISO 25964-1: BTG
The immediate (direct or one-step) class - generalized class relationship.
status: proposed
ISO 25964-1: BTI
The immediate (direct or one-step) instance - class relationship.
status: proposed
The URI has been renamed: #broaderInstantive is replaced by #broaderInstantial according to the observed usage of these words in English. (2013-12-09)
ISO 25964-1: BTP
When the ISO 25964 standard is followed, the BTP/NTP relationship should qualify for a transitive closure.
status: proposed
A "bicycle wheel" for instance belongs uniquely to a "bicycle" while a "wheel" does not.
A BTP/NTP relationship should not be established between "bicycles" and
"wheels" because a wheel could be part of a motor car, a wheelbarrow or
one of many other artefacts.
ISO 25964-1: USE+
One of two or more (component) preferred terms used together to represent the (complex) concept labeled by a (split) non preferred term.
Concept groups published as sub-thesauri (e.g., having micro-thesaurus as ISO conceptGroupType)
ISO 25964-1: NTG
The immediate (direct or one-step) class - specialized class relationship.
status: proposed
ISO 25964-1: NTI
The immediate (direct or one-step) class - instance relationship.
status: proposed
The URI has been renamed: #narrowerInstantive is replaced by #narrowerInstantial according to the observed usage of these words in English. (2013-12-09)
ISO 25964-1: NTP
When the ISO 25964 standard is followed, the BTP/NTP relationship should qualify for a transitive closure.
status: proposed
A "bicycle wheel" for instance belongs uniquely to a "bicycle" while a "wheel" does not.
A BTP/NTP relationship should not be established between "bicycles" and
"wheels" because a wheel could be part of a motor car, a wheelbarrow or
one of many other artefacts.
ISO 25964-1: UF+
The non preferred term labeling a complex concept.
The complex concept will be identified by splitting the non preferred term into 2 or more (component) preferred terms.
All members of the (object) subGroup are members of the (subject) group.
has characteristics: transitive
Explicitly links a (superordinate) concept to one or more subordinate arrays. Each array may either be composed of narrower concepts of the superordinate concept (in which case there may be an associated node label with a characteristic of division) or by concepts that need not be narrower concepts of the superordinate concept (in which case a node label may provide a facet name).
In other words, though each array only contains sibling concepts, no hierarchical relation may be automatically derived between a concept and the concepts in any of its subordinate arrays. The hierarchical relationship between these concepts has to be asserted explicitly.
All members of the (subject) group are members of the (object) superGroup.
has characteristics: transitive
ISO 25964: hasSuperOrdinateConcept
The (subject) array organizes a set of sibling concepts under the (object) concept.
ISO 25964-1: UF+
The non-preferred term expressing a compound concept that should be represented by a combination of preferred terms
ISO 25964-1: USE+
The two or more (component) preferred terms following should be used together to represent the concept indicated by the (split) non preferred term.
As an extension to SKOS, sub-properties of skos:broader and skos:narrower may be needed to model the different hierarchical relationships identified by the ISO 25964 attribute "role".
Can be used to derive ISO hasTopConcept (which is different from skos:hasTopConcept).
The ISO hasTopConcept can be derived in SKOS from skos:broaderTransitive where the object of skos:broaderTransitive is a concept having the property skos:topConceptOf (i.e., a ThesaurusConcept having topConcept = true).
Captures ISO TopLevelRelationship
Super property of ISO isPartOf
Applies to any ISO 25964 "isPartOf" relation that targets the Thesaurus. Subjects of the skos:inScheme statements can be ISO 25964’s ThesaurusConcept, ConceptGroup, and ThesaurusArray.
Only applies to ISO 25964 "contains" statements having a Thesaurus [ConceptScheme] as subject.
- hasMemberArray
- hasMemberConcept
- hasAsMember
Note: SKOS S39 (any concept in a List of a skos:memberList is also a value of skos:member).
By definition, used to represent members of a thesaurus Array or of a thesaurus Group.
An Array may have as members thesaurus Concepts or other thesaurus Arrays.
Thesaurus Group members are thesaurus Concepts.
- hasMemberArray<ordered=true>
- hasMemberConcept<ordered=true>
As an extension to SKOS, sub-properties of skos:broader and skos:narrower may be needed to model the different hierarchical relationships identified by the ISO 25964 attribute "role".
Can be used to derive ISO isTopConceptOf (which is different from skos:isTopConceptOf).
The ISO isTopConceptOf can be derived in SKOS from skos:narrowerTransitive where the skos:narrowerTransitive has as subject a concept that is object of a skos:hasTopConcept statement (i.e., a ThesaurusConcept having topConcept = true).
As an extension to SKOS, sub-properties of skos:related may be needed to model the different associative relationships identified by the ISO 25964 attribute "role".
Super property of ISO isPartOf of a ThesaurusConcept having its attribute topConcept = true.
Captures ISO TopLevelRelationship
Complex super property of ISO hasNonPreferredLabel
Applies if the value of "hasNonPreferredLabel" is of class SimpleNonPreferredTerm with the Boolean attribute "hidden" either absent or with value false.
Complex super property of ISO hasNonPreferredLabel
Applies if the value of "hasNonPreferredLabel" is of class SimpleNonPreferredTerm with the Boolean attribute "hidden" having value true.
Complex super property of ISO hasPreferredLabel
When a label is represented as skos xl:Label, a skos:prefLabel statement is derived from the skos-xl:prefLabel one. (Likewise for altLabel and hiddenLabel.)
ISO status
- on ThesaurusConcept
- on ThesaurusTerm
Best practice in SKOS is to (RDF) type the notation value object. This allows multiple notation value types for the same concept or term to be distinguished.
Note: In ISO 25964-1, such typing is implicit in the thesaurus or it is part of the "notation" value.
Simple or basic super property of ISO hasNonPreferredLabel
Applies if the value of "hasNonPreferredLabel" is of class SimpleNonPreferredTerm with the Boolean attribute "hidden" either absent or with value false.
In ISO 25964, "hasDefinition" applies to a term rather than to a concept.
In ISO 25964, "hasEditorialNote" applies to a term rather than to a concept.
Simple or basic super property of ISO hasNonPreferredLabel
Applies if the value of "hasNonPreferredLabel" is of class SimpleNonPreferredTerm with the Boolean attribute "hidden" having value true.
In ISO 25964, "hasHistoryNote" can apply to a term or to a concept.
ISO refersTo is not mapped.
Work is ongoing in the RDF group to type the content explicitly as HTML or XML In RDF1.1 ( This would allow embedding relevant hyperlinks in notes.
May be an embedded and tagged link in the note value (e.g., as done for EuroVoc).
In ISO 25964, some types of Note are associated with concepts, others with terms. In SKOS, all documentation notes are associated with concepts.
In basic SKOS, notes are represented using simple annotation properties, which type captures the note type. However the SKOS annotation properties can also be used with structured representation of notes as fully-fledged resources. See and for examples of both approaches.
Within a thesaurus the application of notes to concept and term is more restrictive than in SKOS.
A note may be a structure. In general, this can be modelled using rdf:value (to represent lexicalValue)
The language should be held in rdf:value. If this is an XMLLiteral, the language shall also be made available using dc:language (or dct:language).
Note: Work is ongoing in the RDF group to type the content explicitly as HTML or XML In RDF1.1 ( This would allow embedding relevant hyperlinks in notes.
Additional attributes can be added to the note structure:
- dct:created
- dct:modified
Simple super property of ISO hasPreferredLabel
Basic SKOS allows labels (as simple literals) to be attached directly to Concepts using skos:prefLabel; this is the preferred simple scenario where label relations are not explicit.
In ISO 25964, "hasScopeNote" applies to a concept rather than to a term.
Preferred Term c, Simple Non Preferred Term c, Split Non Preferred Term c
This HTML document was obtained by editing the result of processing the OWL ontology source code through LODE, Live OWL Documentation Environment, developed by Silvio Peroni.
ISO CompoundEquivalence
iso-thes:plusUseTerm (and its inverse iso-thes:plusUFTerm) may be derived from iso-thes:CompoundEquivalence.
For an iso-thes:CompoundEquivalence instance each derived iso-thes:plusUseTerm has as:
- subject: the iso-thes:plusUF value
- object: the iso-thes:plusUse value
An ISO 25964 compliant thesaurus only has one compound equivalence relation for each split non preferred term.
In special cases where the iso-thes:SplitNonPreferredTerm has more than one decomposition, the inverse inference may not be possible. (While this situation should not arise within a single thesaurus that complies with ISO 25964, it could occur if terms and relationships have been drawn from more than one thesaurus. For this reason the property skos:inScheme ( should be used with each instance of the class Compound Equivalence, to relate it to its Thesaurus.)