Webinar: SKOS - visión general y modelado de vocabularios controlados
Webinar Details
- Title
- SKOS - visión general y modelado de vocabularios controlados
- Date & Time
28 Nov 18 00:00 UTC - Language
- Español
SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization Systems) es la recomendación del W3C para representar y publicar conjuntos de datos de clasificaciones, tesauros, encabezamientos de materia, glosarios y otros tipos de vocabularios controlados y sistemas de organización del conocimiento. La primera parte del webinar incluye una visión general de las tecnologías de la web semántica y muestra detalladamente los diferentes elementos del modelo SKOS. La segunda parte aborda diferentes aproximaciones para la aplicación de SKOS para representar vocabularios controlados.
SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization Systems) is the recommendation of the W3C to represent and publish datasets for classifications, thesauri, subject headings, glossaries and other types of controlled vocabularies and knowledge organization systems in general. The first part of the webinar includes an overview of the technologies of the semantic web and shows in detail the different elements of the SKOS model. The second part shows different approaches for the application of SKOS to represent controlled vocabularies.
Antoine Isaac
Antoine Isaac (Europeana Foundation) works as R&D Manager for Europeana. He has been researching and promoting the use of Semantic Web and Linked Data technology in culture since his PhD studies at Paris-Sorbonne and the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel. He has especially worked on the representation and interoperability of collections and their vocabularies. He has served in other related W3C efforts, for example on SKOS, Library Linked Data, Data on the Web Best Practices, Data Exchange. He co-chairs the Technical Working Group of the RightsStatements.org initiative and the Discovery Technical Specification Group at the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF). -
Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez
Juan-Antonio Pastor-Sánchez (Associate Professor, University of Murcia, Spain)
Profesor Titular del Departamento de Información y Documentación y Coordinador de Sistemas de Información de la Universidad de Murcia. Es profesor e investigador en gestión de tesauros, gestión de la información, organización del conocimiento, web semántica, diseño web, accesibilidad y arquitectura de la información para la web.
Juan-Antonio Pastor-Sánchez (Associate Professor, University of Murcia, Spain)
Associate Professor in the Department of Information and Documentation and Coordinator of Information Systems at the University of Murcia. He teaches and researches on thesaurus management, management of information, knowledge organization, Semantic Web, web design, accessibility and information architecture for the web.