DCMI Tools Community

Name: DCMI Tools Community
Type: Community Interest Group
Status: Inactive Finished
Charter: The DCMI Tools Community is a forum for individuals and organizations involved in the development and usage of tools and applications based on Dublin Core Metadata or other metadata standards that interoperate with and enhance functionality of the Dublin Core.
The objective of the Community is to facilitate the usage and development of applications and functions based on open standards. The DCMI Tools Community provides a forum for two classes of users: tool developers and individuals interested in using tools.
Moderator/Chair: Seth Van Hooland
Established: 2001-03-06

News and Announcements

DCMI-Tools Workshop during DC2010 conference in Pittsburgh

2010-11-01, an overview and slides from the DC-Tools 2010 Community workshop are available: (more information...)

Maintenance and update of the tools list

2009-10-8, a new category, under the name of "Metadata quality", has been added to the list of tools. The DC Tools community wants to focus the coming year on tools and methodologies to evaluate the quality of large metadata sets. As managers of metadata repositories are increasingly confronted with thight budgets and accountability issues, there is a bigger need then ever to use tools which allow to evaluate in an automated manner the consistency, completeness and accuracy of existing metadata. Based upon the results of the quality assessment, more solid decisions can be taken regarding the distribution of resources for the enhancement of the metadata. Outdated links on the list have also been removed.

DCMI-Tools Workshop during LIDA 2009 in Zadar

2009-06-02, slides from the DC-Tools Community workshop available: (more information...)

DCMI-Tools Meeting during DC-2008 in Berlin

2008-09-26, slides from the DC Tools Community meeting are available now
(more information...)

DCMI-Tools Workshop: "Ontologies for Digital Description"

2007-06-22, was held on June 13, 2007 in Wien (Vienna), Austria while ELPUB conference.

The proceedings
and a detailed report
on the discussion at the workshop is available now.
Discussion at this workshop focussed on the
draft version of the Glossary
and the
draft version of the Tools Metadata
Application Profile and Taxonomy of Tools Functionalities
, which are still open for
discussion within the DCMI tools community.

Transformation from Working Group into the structure of a Community

2006-11-29, The former DC-Tools Working Group has transformed itself into a Community. The charter has been updated.

Slides from DC-Tools WG Meeting during DC-2006 in Manzanillo (Colima, Mexico) available

2006-10-13, slides and a report from the meeting in Manzanillo are available from here.

Report on DC-Tools in Chapel Hill (NC) workshop available

2006-07-27, a report on our previous meeting in Chapel Hill (NC) during JCDL conference has been published in
D-Lib Magazine July/August 2006, Volume 12 Number 7/8 ( DOI:10.1045/july2006-greenberg)

DC-Tools Working Group Charter and Working Plan revised

2005-10-10, the charter of the DC-Tools Working Group has been revised. A working plan for
the work until DC-2006 has been developed.

Slides of DC-Tools meeting in September available

2005-10-07, Slides and marterial of the working group meeting held during DC2005 in Madrid is now available.

Open Issues & Working Plan

Working Plan 2009/10

  • Development of an online repository of case studies describing in detail the implemenation of metadata creation and management tools.
  • Updating and extending the tools list.
  • Organization of a DC Tools workshop in Spain in spring-summer 2010.


Mailing list

To join or leave:


Archive and Documentation

Past Workshops

DCMI-Tools Workshop: "Ontologies for Digital Description"
June 13 2007 in Wien (Vienna), Austria during ELPUB conference.
The proceedings and a detailed report on the discussion at the workshop is available.
Discussion at this workshop focussed on the draft version of the Glossary and the draft version of the Tools Metadata Application Profile and Taxonomy of Tools Functionalities, which are still open for discussion within the DCMI tools community.
DC-Tools Workshop during DC2006
October 5,2006 in Manzanillo (Colima, Mexico) during DC-2006 conference.
[Homepage, incl. Slides]
DC-Tools Workshop during JCDL
June 15 2006 in Chapel Hill (NC, USA) during JCDL 2006
[Homepage, incl. Slides and Pictures], [Report]
DC-2005 Working Group Meeting
September 15 2005 in Leganés (Madrid, Spain) during DC-2005
  • Thomas Severiens: Opening, Report on recent activities, Online Services for DCMI on the example of MMM. [Slides]
  • Ernesto Giralt Hernández: Presentation of "Describe This".
  • Dhanapalan Kulandaivadivel: WebServices as DC-Tools infrastructure for DC-Developers. [Slides]
  • Discussion on charter, working plan and next steps
DC-Tools Working Group Meeting
March 2 2005 in Göttingen, Germany during Cashmere-int Workshop
[Announcement] [Homepage] [Report]
DC-Tools Workshop
March 10 2003 in Osnabrück, Germany during IuK2003 Congress
DCMI Tools Workshop
June 20 - 22 2001 in Osnabrück, Germany
[Homepage] [Material for Discussion Sessions]